Integration Point Pane

This pane enables you to define integration points, and schedule population and data push jobs.

Integration points are based on adapters, each of which is predefined to transmit information in specific ways. For example, CMDBAdapter populates CIs and links from a remote RTSM, in which case the RTSM then has a local copy of these CIs, while the ServiceManagerAdapter adapter retrieves data from HPE ServiceCenter and HPE Service Manager, but HPE ServiceCenter or HPE Service Manager still retains control.

For details about defining a discovery adapter as an integration adapter, see the Used as Integration Adapter field in Adapter Definition Tab.

To access Located in the left pane of the Integration Studio.
Relevant tasks
See also

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element (A-Z) Description
New Integration point. Enable you to create an integration point. For details, see New Integration Point/Edit Integration Point Dialog Box.
Edit Integration Point. Enables you to edit an integration point's properties.
Delete Integration Point. Deletes the selected integration point.
Save Integration Point. Saves the changes you made to the definition of an integration point.
Refresh All Integrations. Refreshes the list of integration points and fully refreshes the selected integration point.
Reload supported configuration for adapter. Refreshes the supported classes and queries of the adapter for the selected integration point.
Activate Integration Point. Activates the selected integration point.
Deactivate Integration Point. Deactivates the selected integration point.
Import From XML. Enables you to import the integration point's configuration in XML format.

Export To XML. Enables you to export the integration point's configuration in XML format.

Note You must save a new integration point before you can export its configuration.

<List of integration points>

Displays the list of previously-defined integration points.

An icon appears next to each integration point indicating its status:

  • . Indicates that the integration is deactivated.

  • . Indicates that there is an error for one or more of the jobs associated with the integration point.

  • . Indicates that there were failures and/or warnings for one or more of the jobs associated with the integration point.

  • . Indicates that there were no errors, failures, or warnings for the jobs associated with the integration point or that no job was executed for the integration.

Additionally, icons appears next to each third party integration point indicating its status.

  • . Indicates that there were no errors, failures, or warnings for the jobs associated with the integration point.
  • . Indicates that there is an error for one or more of the jobs associated with the integration point.
  • . Indicates that the adapters that are associated with the integration point were removed.
  • . Indicates that the integration is deactivated.
<right-click integration point menu>

In addition to some of the options described above, the right-click menu provides the following functionality:

  • Go to Adapter. Opens the adapter used by the integration job in the Adapter Management module.
  • Reconciliation Priority Manager. Opens the Reconciliation Priority Manager, a centralized location for viewing and changing the reconciliation priority for all integration points. For details, see Reconciliation Priority Window.
  • Deploy Remote Package. Opens the Deploy Remote Package dialog box, enabling you to deploy a package to a data repository located on a remote machine without logging in to the remote machine. For details, see Deploy a Package to a Remote Data Repository.

    Note This button is enabled for integration points based on the UCMDB 9.x adapter (which supports package deployment capabilities).

  • Save as Adapter Default. Opens the Save as Adapter Default dialog box, enabling you to save the configuration of the selected integration point as an adapter default that can be used as a basis for other integration points.

    Enter a name and description for the adapter default, and specify the path where the default adapter should be saved.

    For example, to save an adapter default in a user-defined folder, in the Path box, enter:



    • Use forward slashes (/) to separate folders in the path
    • If a path is not defined, the default adapter template is saved, by default, under the same category as the adapter that it was based on.
  • Edit Integration Resources. Opens the Adapter Management page where you can edit the adapter resources. Only the resources defined by the adapter as related to integrations are displayed in the Resources pane.