Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Integrations > Integration Studio > New Integration Point/Edit Integration Point Dialog Box

New Integration Point/Edit Integration Point Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to create a new integration point or edit the properties of an existing integration point.

To access

Do one of the following:

  • Click the New Integration Point button in the Integration Point pane.

  • Click the Edit Integration Point button in the Integration Point pane.

Important information

The list of fields contains all of the items that may be specified when you create an integration point. Not all of the fields are displayed for all adapters.

Each mandatory field is marked with an asterisk.

Relevant tasks

See also

User interface elements are described below

UI Element (A-Z) Description

Enables you to verify Probe connectivity using the parameters provided.

Note If you have defined additional Probes, these Probes are tested for connectivity as well.

Additional Probes

Enables you to select additional probes over which to run a data push or federation-type integration. Click to select the additional probes.

When the integration runs, if additional Data Flow Probes are defined, the server uses the most available Probe.

Available for: Data push and federation-type integrations only.


The adapter for the integration point. Click Click to open the Choose Configuration Item Type dialog box to select an adapter. For details about each adapter, see the list of supported out-of-the-box integration adapters in the Supported Content section of the UCMDB Help.

For help on the selected adapter, click the Show Content Help button.

CMDB State (Data Push)

The state of the source machine. Values are:

  • Actual

  • Authorized

Note This field is visible only when using an adapter that supports data push and on an RTSM for which authorized state has been defined.

Credentials ID

Enables you to select protocol credentials for relevant adapter integration points. Click to open the Choose Credentials dialog box.

Note Only the required protocols for the selected integration adapter are displayed here. For information about protocols required for each integration adapter see Required Discovery Protocols Pane.

Default Owner Name

The name of the owner tenant that should be assigned to the federated or populated CIs and relationships.


  • This field is displayed when creating a federation or population type integration point in a multi-tenancy environment only.

  • If no owner tenant is specified, but the Data Flow Probe selected for the integration point has an owner tenant, then the Data Flow Probe owner tenant is assigned to all discovered CIs.

  • The System Owner Tenant is assigned when:

    • no owner tenant is specified, and no owner tenant is defined on the Data Flow Probe
    • the data source is not a multi-tenancy environment
Integration Description Enter a brief description of the integration point.
Integration Name

Enter a name for the integration point.

Note The name may not exceed 45 characters.

Is Integration Activated

Select this check box to create an active integration point. Clear the check box to deactivate an integration, for example, to set up an integration point without actually connecting to a remote machine.

Note New integration points are set as inactive by default.

Data Flow Probe

The name of the Data Flow Probe used to run integration jobs.

Do one of the following:

  • Use the Auto-Select option. In this case, the RTSM attempts to choose the correct Probe according to the IP ranges that were defined for the available Probes.

  • Select the name of a specific Probe to use for these integration jobs. When you manually select a Probe, any ranges that you defined in the Probe settings are ignored.


    • If your Probe is an integration probe, and it does not appear in the Data Flow Probe list, ensure that it is connected.
Trigger CI Instance

Displays the CI that is to be used by the new integration point as a trigger during integration with CIs on a remote machine.

Click the Set Trigger CI button, and select one of the following:

  • Select Existing CI. Enables you to select the trigger CI through which data is collected during integration. For details, see CI Instances Dialog Box.

  • Create New CI. Enables you to create the topology of the CI to be used as the trigger. For details, see Topology CI Creation Wizard.

To manage or view the trigger CI, right-click the CI. For details on these operations, see IT Universe Manager Page.

Available for: Jython-based integration adapters only

Note If the trigger CI instance used for the integration point is deleted, the integration point's jobs become disabled and cannot run. In this case, you must edit the integration point and select a new trigger CI for the integration.

Note Additional fields are available, depending on the adapter you select. Descriptions of each field may be viewed by holding your mouse over that field on the screen. See the RTSM - Developer Reference section for details about specific adapters.