Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Integrations > Integrating Multiple CMDBs > How to Use SSL with the UCMDB 9.x/10.x Adapter

Use TLS with the UCMDB 9.x/10.x Adapter

If the remote UCMDB server uses a certificate signed by a known certificate authority, selecting the HTTPS (SSL) value in the Protocol field is sufficient.

If not, add the remote UCMDB server certificate to the local UCMDB JVM Trusted Stores as follows:

  1. Export the remote UCMDB self-signed certificate by executing the following command (on the remote server machine):

    c:\hp\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -exportcert -
    keystore c:\hp\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\conf\security\server.keystore -
    alias hpcert -storepass hppass -file remoteServer.cert
  2. Copy the certificate to UCMDB at C:\hp\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\bin\jre\bin and to the Data Flow Probe at C:\hp\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\bin\jre\bin.

  3. Locate the JRE security folder, by default located inC:\hp\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\bin\jre\lib\security\ and also at C:\hp\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\bin\jre\lib\security\.

  4. Back up the cacerts file by copying it to another folder.

  5. Open a command line window and execute the following commands on the local UCMDB and Data Flow Probe (to import the previously created or copied certificate):

    cd C:\hp\UCMDB\<UCMDBServer/DataFlowProbe>\bin\jre\bin
    keytool.exe -import -storepass changeit -keystore c:\hp\UCMDB\<UCMDBServer/DataFlowProbe>\bin\jre\lib\security\
    cacerts -trustcacerts -file C:\hp\UCMDB\<UCMDBServer/DataFlowProbe>\bin\jre\bin\remoteServer.cert
  6. At the command line prompt "Trust this certificate?", enter yes.

  7. Restart the UCMDB service and the Data Flow Probe service.

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