Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Reconciliation > Data Reconciliation > How to Enable CI Type Tenant Owner Verification during the Matching Phase of Identification

How to Enable CI Type Tenant Owner Verification during the Matching Phase of Identification

  • You can dynamically add a verification criterion based on the TenantOwner attribute during the matching phase of the identification process for CIs by using the new JMX setting reconciliation.tenantaware.citypes. If, compared to the other CI, there is a different value among the CI attribute values defined in this setting, the verification process stops and the match is rejected.

    The following example explains how this setting works:

    • If you have two node CIs:

      • Node1 with TenantOwner=t1 and name=n
      • Node2 with TenantOwner=t2 and name=n

      • reconciliation.tenantaware.citypes set to node

      This scenario will result in the two nodes not matching.

    • If Node1 does not have TenantOwner set, the default Tenant will be provided.

    Note If you add a node CIT, UNIX for example, you do not have to add it since it is inherited by identification rule. Only if you change the UNIX CIT identification rule, you need to add it explicitly.

    To enable TenantOwner attribute verification for CITs that are identified by key attributes,

    1. Add the ID_ATTRIBUTE qualifier for the TenantOwner attribute on the managed_object CIT.

      Note The TenantOwner attribute will be inherited to all the child classes. Make sure that a child class does not override it.

      1. Go to the JMX console > UCMDB:service=URM Services

      2. Invoke the listResourceTypes method.
      3. On the returned page, click CM_CLASS, then click managed_object.
      4. In the Resource XML box, add the following attribute qualifier to the TenantOwner attribute and click Save resource:

        <Attribute-Qualifier name="ID_ATTRIBUTE" is-factory="true" is-user-modified="true" version="15" >
    2. Reload the class model from persistency (go to the JMX console > UCMDB:service=Class Model Services, and invoke the reloadClassModelFromPersistency method).

    3. Go to JMX console > UCMDB:service=Model Services, invoke the recalculateID method with classname field empty.

      This may take a while as it updates the calculated IDs for all instances of the classes with key attributes identification.

  • To enable the reconciliation.tenantaware.citypes setting for specific CITs (separated by comma) that are identified based on identification rules,

    1. Go to JMX Console > UCMDB:service=Settings Services > setSettingValue.

    2. In the name field, enter reconciliation.tenantaware.citypes.

    3. In the value field, enter names of the CITs, separated by comma.

      Note To disable this setting, leave the value field empty.

    4. Click Invoke.

    To enable the reconciliation.tenantaware.citypes setting for all the CITs that are identified based on identification rules,

    1. Go to JMX Console > UCMDB:service=Settings Services > setSettingValue.
    2. In the name field, enter reconciliation.tenantaware.citypes.
    3. In the value field, enter *.

    4. Click Invoke.


    • If you changed the Tenant ID on the Data Flow Probe, make sure you clear the probe cache as well by performing either of the following:

      • Log in to the probe server, run the following script:



      • Log in to OMi, go to Administration > RTSM Administration > Data Flow Management > Universal Discovery > Discovery Modules/Jobs. For each of the jobs that run on the probe, right-click the job and select Clear Probe Results Cache.

    • In a multi-tenant aware environment, a tenant must be specified for the Data Flow Probe.