Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Reconciliation > Data Reconciliation > How to Enable Redundant Reverse Check

How to Enable Redundant Reverse Check

During Reconciliation DataIn, when sending a CI with valid link information from Probe to UCMDB Server, the identification required link is redundant. If there is no other valid identification data, the CI would fail to identify itself and could not be reconciled to the server.

The redundant reverse check is introduced so that you can reverse the action of making identification required link redundant for such CIs, and then have them sent to the UCMDB server when the CIs have no enough data to identify themselves.

To enable redundant reverse check, simply add isReverseCheck="true" in the discovery job adapter source (default value: false). To do so,

  1. In UCMDB UI, from the Data Flow Management > Universal Discovery module, locate the desired discovery job, right-click the job and select Go to Adapter.
  2. Right-click the adapter in the Resources pane and select Edit adapter source.

    The Adapter Source Editor opens.

  3. In the Adapter Source Editor, locate the resultMechanism tag.
  4. Add isReverseCheck="true" to the resultMechanism tag as follows:

    <resultMechanism isEnabled="true" isReverseCheck="true">
  5. Click Save.