Building Models

The information required to define a model includes the CI content, the hierarchy, and the dependencies upon additional CIs.

HPE Business Service Management is configured with a predefined list of CI types that represent your business entities. When creating a new model using the Modeling Studio, the following list of valid models appears:

The model CI types can be arranged in hierarchies to reflect the organization's specific needs. Here is an example of a typical recommended model hierarchy:

A model can be nested in any logical hierarchy, but it is best to create a hierarchy that starts from high level business entities down to more specific model types.

It is strongly recommended to build models in a way that allows them to be reused as components of other models.

Building a model creates a contains link between the model and its CIs according to the defined hierarchy.

The creation of a CI which is a model CI results in the creation of an empty model by default. Therefore, if you want to create a model for a CI that does not yet exist, you create a new model and thus, a new CI. If you want to model an existing CI for the first time, select the CI in the CI Selector, drag it onto the canvas and select Create a New Model.