Use > Configuration Management > Configuration Management workflows and user tasks > Validate a configuration creation change task

Validate a configuration creation change task

Applies to User Roles:

Configuration Administrator

A ITSMA Service Management configuration is a group of configuration items (CIs) that work together to deliver an IT service or a recognizable part of an IT service. A configuration can also refer to the parameter settings for one or more CIs. When a change task that requests configuration creation is assigned to you or your group, you must first verify that the information required to create the new configuration is complete and correct before you perform the task. You must also verify that the CI types and models exist in Service Management before you can create new CIs.

Your Service Management system may be configured to automatically create a change record whenever the actual state of a CI does not match the values in the Service Management CI record. If this integration is active, you will see an Actual State section in the Service Management CI record.

To validate a configuration creation change task, follow these steps:

  1. From your To Do Queue, click Change Task in the Queue list and then click All Open Tasks in the View list.
  2. Find the task that requests configuration creation, and double-click the record to open it. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.
  3. Review the task to verify that all information needed to create the configuration is complete and correct:
    • If the task information is incomplete or incorrect, reject the task.
    • If the task information is complete and correct, determine the CI types needed to create the configuration and search to verify that they are available in Service Management. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Click Configuration  Management > Resources > CI Types.
      2. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.

      3. Find any existing CI types that are suitable as templates for the new CIs.
  4. Verify whether CI types that match the CI creation task exist:
    • If there are no existing CI types that match the CI creation task, reject the task.
    • If there are existing CI types that can be used as templates, verify that the models from the manufacturer or supplier exist in Service Management. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Click Request Fulfillment > Configuration > Product Catalog.
      2. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.

      3. Find the models from the manufacturer or supplier.
  5. Verify that the models exist in Service Management: