Repetition Rules

The repeated generation of the same event may indicate a problem. For example, more than 10 login failures for the same account within 2 minutes is typically viewed as requiring action and should create a security alert.

Configuring a repetition rule requires a filter to select the events to consider, for example, text "login failed" is contained within the title. Certain attributes must be the same to be regarded as originating from the same source, for example, the host name of the system and the user name being used to log in must be the same. The time interval between login attempts must be short, for example, a maximum of two minutes, and there must be a minimum number of attempted failed logins before the scenario is considered to be a problem.

It may be considered advantageous to hold back matching events during the time interval to reduce the number of unnecessary events being sent to the Event Browser. Only when the minimum number of attempted failed logins exceeds the specified threshold, is it necessary to inform the operator that action is necessary. This could be to close or discard the failed login events, except for the reference event that is modified to inform of the series of failed logins. The reference event is an event from the initial rule execution, and it could be the first (least recent) event that is used for the modifications of all subsequent events, or the last (most recent) event.

Note The reference event is used as an attribute source for new events.

Additionally, a new event can be automatically generated. All failed-login events can be related to the new event as symptoms.


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