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Topics that contain the word "cat". You will also find its grammatical variations, such as "cats". |
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Topics that contain the literal phrase "cat food" and all its grammatical variations. Without the quotation marks, the query is equivalent to specifying an OR operator, which finds topics with one of the individual words instead of the phrase. |
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HI-based KPI calculations
HIs provide the data that a KPI needs to calculate the availability and performance of monitored resources. The KPIs use calculation rules to collate the values from multiple health indicators and set a severity status on the KPI for a specific CI, such as: Critical
, Major
, Minor
, or Normal
. For example, a Software Performance KPI for a database can include multiple health indicators concerning the cache-hit ratio (0
, 50
, 00%
), the length of query queues (Empty
, Full
), and response times (#ms
) to determine the overall software performance.
The color of each KPI reflects the KPI's current severity status. The severity status is determined by a business rule, which specifies how and when severity status propagates up a relationship chain. One resource with a critical problem does not mean that all dependent resources are, by definition, also critical. KPIs can use data from multiple sources to determine the overall effects up and down dependency chains and determine the severity status accordingly.
Note The type of source determines the importance of the information provided. For example, live data from a monitor running directly on a node is considered more important than data resulting from business rules, which base calculations on KPI relationships and dependencies. This means that KPI states propagated by a business rule may be overridden by KPI states calculated from HIs directly on the CI.
KPIs related to the CI of a selected event are displayed in the Health Indicators pane of the Health Perspective tab. In the Health Top View, KPIs appear under the monitored object to which they belong. Additionally, you can use the 360° View page to display a hierarchy of CIs in a view, the KPIs assigned to each CI, and their KPI statuses.
For a list of all Service Health components, see Service Health Components.
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As an example, the following KPIs use health-based data:
Software Performance KPI
Performance-related data from health indicators can include values for the hit ratio in the database cache, server connection speeds, queue lengths, or database query processing times. This example describes health indicators that are specific to the database configuration item type. Other configuration item types have different health indicators.
System and Application Availability KPI
Availability-related data can include server run states (up, down, starting, stopping) or process activity (refusing, accepting connections, not responding).
There are two additional KPI types that use event data for Unassigned or Unresolved events and are attached by default to every configuration item. Unassigned KPIs concern events with an underlying problem that has not yet been allocated to any user for investigation. Unresolved KPIs concern events with underlying problems that are not yet fixed.
Note Unassigned, event-based KPIs are, by definition, also unresolved.
If an unassigned or unresolved KPI references data from more than one event, the color of the KPI reflects the severity status set by a business rule. The business rule associated by default with unassigned and unresolved KPIs is the Operations Event Lifecycle Group Rule, which sets the status of the KPI to the highest severity of any events associated with the related configuration item. For example, if a KPI for an unassigned event refers to one critical and four normal events, the KPI appears red to reflect the critical event. Also, the KPI value is displayed as 1
which is, by default, the number of the highest severity events.
Note There is no propagation from child CIs.
In this task, you learn how to find out which business rule OMi applies to set the severity of a KPI. KPIs use the data provided by one or more health indicators to set a specific severity status for a monitored object. A KPI business rule specifies how the status of dependent KPIs is combined and the result used in the calculation of a parent KPI's severity.
Open the Health Perspective tab:
Workspaces > Operations Console > Health Perspective
Alternatively, click Health Perspective.
In the Event Browser pane, select an event.
The CI related to the event and its direct neighborhood CIs are displayed in the Health Top View.
In the Health Top View pane, hover over the CI for which you want to view the KPI business rule, and then click the Open CI Context button that appears on the right.
In the CI context menu, click the KPIs area and check the value of the entry Business Rule to see which business rule was used to set the severity status (for example, Worst Status Rule).
In this task, you learn how to list and view the details of a KPI.
Open the Health Perspective tab:
Workspaces > Operations Console > Health Perspective
In the Event Browser pane, select the event for which you want to view KPI details.
In the Health Indicators pane, point to the status icon of the KPI for which you want to display details. Details of the KPI, such as Status, Business Rule name, Last Status Change date, are displayed in a pop up dialog box.
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