Data Flow Probe Process Ports


Data Flow Probe Machine Ports

The following ports are used by the Data Flow Probe process on the Data Flow Probe machine:

Port Description
1977 Data Flow Probe’s web application port. Used for JMX console and other web services.
1978 If the Data Flow Probe is installed in separate mode (Probe Manager and Probe Gateway are running in separate processes), this port is used by the Probe Manager process for the web application port (Manager’s JMX console).

Data Flow Probe’s secured web application port. It is used to share the Incoming and Original directories via HTTPs.


If the Data Flow Probe is installed in separate mode and Jetty HTTPS mode is enabled, this port is used to share the Incoming and Original directories.

1741 Port opened by the Probe Gateway to enable RMI (Remote Method Invocation) between Gateway and Managers.
1742 Port opened by the Probe Manager to enable RMI (Remote Method Invocation) between Gateway and Managers.
80 Opened by a CallHome service for Universal Discovery Agents.
5432 Port used by the PostgreSQL database.
1777 Port used by the Tanuki wrapper.
2055 Port opened when the Collect Network Data by Netflow job has been activated. Used for connecting netflow data reported by nProbe software.


Remote Machine Ports

The following ports are used by the Data Flow Probe process on remote machines:

Port Description
8080 Data Flow Probe uses this port to communicate with the OMi Gateway server (if the communication is configured to HTTP).
8443 Data Flow Probe uses this port to communicate with the RTSM server (if the communication is configured to HTTPS).
22 Used for SSH-based discovery.
23 Used for Telnet-based discovery.
80 Used for HTTP, NNM, PowerShell, UDDI, VMware VIM discoveries.
135, 137, 138, 139 + DCOM ports Used for WMI and NTCMD discoveries.
161 Used for SNMP discovery.
389 Used for LDAP discoveries.
1521, 1433, 6789, 2048 Used for SQL (Database)-based discoveries.
2738, 7738 Used for Universal Discovery Agent-based discoveries.
443 Used for UDDI, PowerShell discoveries.
280 Used for HPE SIM discovery.
1099 Used for JBoss discovery.
5985, 5986

Used for PowerShell discoveries.

Note: These ports depend on the Microsoft Windows operating system configuration.

3200, 3300-3303, 33xx, where xx is the SAP server instance number Used for SAP discovery.
50004, 50104, 50204, 50304, 50404, 5xx04 where xx is the SAP J2EE server instance number Used for SAP JMX discovery.
2320 Used for Siebel Gateway discovery.
7001, 7002 Used for WebLogic discovery.
8880 Used for WebSphere discovery.
50001 Used for HPE SIM discovery (secure communication).

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