Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Data Flow Management Setup > Data Flow Probe Setup > How to Configure the Number of Connections to Other Machines

Configure the Number of Connections to Other Machines

This task describes how to configure the number of connections per second that a Data Flow Probe is allowed to create to other machines. You configure these settings in the globalsettings.xml file which is located in the Adapter Management module under Resources pane > Packages > AutoDiscoveryContent > Configuration Files.

To configure the number of connections per second created by the Probe to other machines:

  1. In the globalsettings.xml file, configure the properties listed below as follows:

    Property Description


    Enables limiting the number of new connections per second created by the Probe to other machines.

    • 0. Unlimited number of connections allowed.

    • > 0. The maximum number of connections. If this limit is reached, any job trying to create a new connection will wait for a period of time that is determined in the
      property (see below)

    Default: 0 (unlimited)


    Determines how long (in milliseconds) a job needs to wait until a new connection can be created, assuming the maximumConnectionsPerSecond limit has been reached.

    Default: 1000 milliseconds (1 second)

    Note If maximumConnectionsPerSecond = 0, this property is ignored.

  2. Save your changes.

For more details about the globalsettings.xml file, see the UCMDB Help.