Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Data Flow Management Setup > Data Flow Probe Setup > Change the Data Flow Probe Default Domain

Change the Data Flow Probe Default Domain

This task describes how to change a Data Flow Probe's default domain.

  1. Stop the Probe. For details, see Stop a Data Flow Probe.

  2. Remove the Probe from RTSM:

    • If the Probe appears in the Data Flow Probe Setup > Domains and Probes tree, select the Probe and click Remove .
    • If the Probe does not appear in the Data Flow Probe Setup > Domains and Probes tree (in the case of a Probe on Linux/Probe configured for Integration only), you must delete it from the UCMDB JMX console:

      1. Log in to the JMX Console. For details, see How to Access the JMX Console.
      2. If you do not know the exact name of the Probe that you want to remove, you can generate a list of the Probes on RTSM by invoking the getAllRegisteredProbes operation.
      3. Locate the removeProbeOrCluster operation, enter your customer ID (default:1) and the name of the Probe you are removing, and invoke the operation.

        The Probe is removed from RTSM.

  3. Update the Probe default domain property.

    1. On the Probe machine, open the file, located in:

      • Windows: C:\hp\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf
      • Linux: /opt/hp/UCMDB/DataFlowProbe/conf
    2. Update the following property with the new domain name:

      • appilog.collectors.domain

      For more details about this property, see Parameters.

  4. Clear the data from the Probe.

    Note The clearProbeData script resets the Data Flow Probe's DB schemas and file system state. After running this script the Data Flow Probe re-sends all discovered data to RTSM. This could potentially create a significant load on the RTSM Server.

    For details, see Clear Data Flow Probe Data.

  5. Restart the Probe. For details, see Start a Data Flow Probe.