Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Data Flow Management Setup > Data Flow Probe Setup > How to Set Master Key for Password Encryption on Data Flow Probe

How to Set Master Key for Password Encryption on Data Flow Probe

This section explains how to set a master key for password encryption on Data Flow Probe. This key is updated with a new pass. The updated pass is stored in the file.

To set the master key for password encryption on Data Flow Probe,

  1. Access the Data Flow Probe JMX console. Launch a Web browser and enter the following address: http://<Data Flow Probe machine name or IP address>:1977. If you are running the Data Flow Probe locally, enter http://localhost:1977.

    You may have to log in with a user name and password.

    Note If you have not created a user, use the default user name admin and the password admin to log in.

  2. Locate the Type=MainProbe service and click the link to open the Operations page.

  3. Locate the changeMasterKey operation.

  4. In the pass field, enter the new pass to change master key.

  5. In the repass field, enter the new pass again to double confirm.

  6. Click Invoke.

    The result of the invocation is a message like the following:

    The key is changed successfully.

Note For Data Flow Probes installed in separate mode, you need to change the master key on both probe gateway and probe manager.