KPI Definitions

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provide quantifiable measurements to help you monitor business performance, and assess the business impact of problems in the system. For more information about KPIs, see Service Health Concepts.

The KPI Definitions page includes definitions of all the KPIs that can be used in OMi. Each KPI definition is assigned a default business rule. For a list of out-of-the-box KPI definitions, see List of KPI definitions.

Advanced users can modify the predefined KPI definitions and create new KPI definitions to customize how information is presented. For example, you may want to create new KPI definitions when integrating data from a new external system into OMi.

KPI definitions are categorized as follows:

  • Predefined. Out-of-the-box KPI definitions.

  • Predefined (Customized). Out-of-the-box KPI definitions that have been edited.

  • Custom. New or duplicated KPI definitions.

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