Develop > Processes and Best Practices > Incident Management Workflows > Incident Logging and Categorization (process SO 2.1)

Incident Logging and Categorization (process SO 2.1)

Incidents are initiated and logged as part of the Interaction Management or the Event Management process, depending on the source and nature of the incident. All relevant information relating to incidents must be logged so that a full historical record is maintained. By maintaining accurate and complete incidents, future assigned support group personnel are better able to resolve recorded incidents.

  • If the incident is logged by the Service Desk Agent, most incident details are already provided by the interaction record. The Service Desk Agent verifies the Assignment Group to make sure the selected group is the most suitable group to solve the incident.
  • If an incident is logged by an Operator, usually by using a system management tool, the incident must be based on the applicable incident model.

Operators and Service Desk Agents can perform the following Incident Logging tasks:

  • Create new incident from monitoring system notification (Operator)
  • Create new incident from user interaction (Service Desk Agent)
  • Review and update incident information (Service Desk Agent)

You can see the details of this process in the following figure and table.

The Incident Logging and Categorization workflow is illustrated in the following figure:

Incident Logging and Categorization process

Process ID

Procedure or Decision



SO 2.1.1

Create new incident

A User interaction cannot be solved on first intake and is escalated to the Service Manager process. The interaction is automatically related to the newly created incident. The Service Desk Analyst creates an incident from an interaction.

Service Desk Agent

SO 2.1.2

Complete Incident Details

Based on the categorization and the affected services, the incident is automatically assigned to the responsible support group. The Service Desk Analyst verifies that the assignment is correct.

Service Desk Agent

SO 2.1.3

Provide interaction number and SLA target to User

The Service Desk Analyst provides the interaction number to the User. The User keeps the interaction number as a reference to the incident. The Service Desk Analyst also provides a target solution date based on the SLA.

Service Desk Agent

SO 2.1.4

Create new Incident

An Incident is detected when monitoring the IT infrastructure. The Operator (or Initiator) decides to create an Incident manually or an Incident is generated automatically, depending on tool settings.

If a new service request is identified as an incident or an incident occurs related to fulfillment activities, the Operator creates an incident from a service request.

Go to SO 2.1.10 to select an Incident template (if appropriate).


SO 2.1.5 Select Category and Priority Select the suitable Category and Priority by selecting the applicable impact level and urgency. Operator

SO 2.1.6

Select Incident template (if appropriate)

The Operator (or Initiator) selects an incident template from a list, or a template is selected automatically, depending on the settings.


SO 2.1.7

Follow template instructions

The Operator (or Initiator) provides and records the incident details based on the instructions provided by the incident template. The template instructions may filled in by predefined scripts.


SO 2.1.8

Provide Title/Description/Affected Service/Affected CI

Provide a suitable title and description for the incident. This might be based on the event text. If possible, the affected Service, affected Configuration Item should be selected.


SO 2.1.9

Assign incident to group

The incident is manually assigned to the responsible support group, based on the incident categorization and the associated affected services.
