Administer > Calendar administration > Calendar administration tasks > Display an embedded calendar on an incident form, an interaction form, or a problem form

Display an embedded calendar on an incident form, an interaction form, or a problem form

Caution Calendar consumes a certain amount of system resources (memory and CPU). Therefore, if you plan to embed the calendar in forms that are heavily used in your organization’s daily operation (such as incident or interaction forms), and if your server already runs at high capacity, we recommend that you analyze and understand the impact before deployment.

The default embedded calendar is accessible from the calendar section in a Change or a Change Task record only. To display an embedded calendar on an incident form, an interaction form, or a problem form, follow these steps:

  1. Click System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Calendar Administration > Calendar Filter Mappings to open the Calendar Filter Mapping form.

  2. Go to the Embedded Calendar Configuration section, and add predefined filters for the embedded calendar. You may want to add one or more filters for each object. The default embedded calendar is available only for the Change object and the Change task object.

    1. Click Add Configuration.
    2. Complete the fields and select the options as described in the following table.

      Field/Option Description

      Indicates if the configuration is active. Only active configurations take effect. By default, this option is selected when a new configuration is added.

      Caution If one or more configuration records of the same module is active, the embedded calendar is visible in the current record. Otherwise, it will be invisible in the current record.


      Select an object to filter against.

      Example: Change

      Default View

      Select one value from the list: Day, Week, or Month.

      This field determines the default display view of the embedded calendar. If you leave it empty, the embedded calendar is displayed in the Week view.

      Field for Initial Date

      Select a date/time field from the list.

      Initially, the embedded calendar displays data based on the day or week of this field's value in the current record. For example, if you select Planned Start for the Change module, when users view the embedded calendar from a Change record whose Planned Start date is 22 May 2013, the embedded calendar will initially display data for the day or week of 22 May 2013 (the Default View value determines whether a daily or weekly view is initially displayed).

      This issue also occurs when users view the embedded calendar from another record, such as an Incident record.

      Note If you leave the Field for Initial Date field empty or if the specified field of the current record has an empty value, the embedded calendar uses the user's current date.

      Filter Query

      Type a query that filters Time Period records and records of the selected objects in the Calendar Entries field. Pay attention to the following:

      • The query field should be one of the filter fields defined in the Filter Fields Configuration.
      • Use "=" as the operator between the field and the value, and do not miss the space before and after the "=" operator.

      • You can use $L.file in the value as a reference to the current record.

      • The query supports "or" inside a field group and "and" between groups and single fields. Use lower case for the "and" and "or" operators.

      • If you are using an RAD expression, you must insert a space or a semicolon (;) at the end of the expression.

      Tip Click the Analyze button to see the logical structure of the query. This helps you make sure the query is exactly what you want. The analysis result is displayed in the Analysis Result box.

      Example: = assignment in $L.file and (service = affected.item in $L.file or service = "all") and (location = in $L.file or location = "all")


      The condition under which the filter query is executed.


      Always (default)

      Calendar Entries

      Select the objects that you want to display in the embedded calendar.

      Only objects that have an active Calendar Mapping record defined (in System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Calendar Administration > Calendar Filter Mappings) are displayed and available for your selection.

    3. Click Save.

      Tip Immediately after you add a filter field and click Save, an Add button appears in the field form, allowing you to quickly add another new field.

    4. Add more filters as needed.

      The records you added appear in the list.

      Tip To delete an existing filter record from the list, click the record to open it, and then click Delete.

  3. Save the calendar filter mapping.

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