Searching the Help
To search for information in the Help, type a word or phrase in the Search box. When you enter a group of words, OR is inferred. You can use Boolean operators to refine your search.
Results returned are case insensitive. However, results ranking takes case into account and assigns higher scores to case matches. Therefore, a search for "cats" followed by a search for "Cats" would return the same number of Help topics, but the order in which the topics are listed would be different.
Search for | Example | Results |
A single word | cat
Topics that contain the word "cat". You will also find its grammatical variations, such as "cats". |
A phrase. You can specify that the search results contain a specific phrase. |
"cat food" (quotation marks) |
Topics that contain the literal phrase "cat food" and all its grammatical variations. Without the quotation marks, the query is equivalent to specifying an OR operator, which finds topics with one of the individual words instead of the phrase. |
Search for | Operator | Example |
Two or more words in the same topic |
Either word in a topic |
Topics that do not contain a specific word or phrase |
Topics that contain one string and do not contain another | ^ (caret) |
cat ^ mouse
A combination of search types | ( ) parentheses |
Copy a database dictionary and data records
Applies to User Roles:
System Administrator
You can copy a database dictionary by using System Definition or by using the Database Dictionary utility. Choose one of the following methods to copy a database dictionary.
Copy a database dictionary and data records, by using System Definition
To copy a database dictionary and data records, by using System Definition:
- From the System Navigator, click System Definition.
Double-click a table.
An overview of the table opens.
In the Table management section of the overview, click Copy the definition and data.
A confirmation box opens.
In the New table name field, type the name of the table, and then click OK.
A message displays, stating that the table definition and data were copied to new name.
- Click OK.
Copy a database dictionary and data records, by using the Database Dictionary utility
Example: Make a copy of all the records in the assignment dbdict by creating a new file with the same database dictionary structure and containing all records contained in the original file. To copy records from a file by copying the entire file, copy the associated data records as well.
To copy a database dictionary and data records, by using the Database Dictionary utility:
- Open the assignment dbdict.
- Open the More Actions menu and click Copy/Rename.
- In the New Name field, enter assignment1.
Note: File names must be one word. No blanks and no special delimiters are allowed.
- Select the Copy dbdict and data option to copy the dbdict and all records from the assignment file to the assignment1 file.
- Click OK to copy the dbdict and data stored in the file.
Note: The length of time it takes to copy a file with all records will vary depending on how many records exist in the file. Copy a file with all associated records during non-peak operation times.
The database dictionary for the assignment1 file opens and Service Manager displays this message: *Dbdict successfully copied
Note: When an asterisk displays in front of a message, it means there are additional messages to display which may have relevant information regarding this operation.
You can now make changes to the enduserbackup database dictionary.
- Click OK to exit when you have completed modifications to this file.
Note: You will need to update your database dictionary only if you have added, deleted, or modified fields and/or keys.
Related topics
Copying a database dictionary
Renaming a database dictionary
Resetting the database and all records
More Actions menu
Copy a database dictionary only
Rename a database dictionary
Delete a database dictionary record
Open a database dictionary
Access the Database Dictionary utility
Regen a database dictionary