Replace the Service Manager Service Portal generated SSL certificates

Service Manager Service Portal requires HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) for client browsers. Configuring HTTPS between Service Manager Service Portal and the Service Manager Server is optional but recommended. Third-party or corporate CA-signed certificates should be used in production systems; however, self-signed certificates generated by Service Portal can be used in non-production systems.

Important Although Service Manager Service Portal-generated certificates can be configured during installation and used in production, we recommend that you configure trusted certificates from a Certificate Authority (CA). Some organizations issue certificates that are signed by a corporate CA and some organizations get certificates from a trusted third-party CA, such as VeriSign.

This section explains how to replace the previously Service Manager Service Portal-generated SSL certificates with CA-signed SSL certificates.

Note The Service Manager Service Portal-generated SSL certificates are created and configured by using the /opt/hp/propel-install/ auto command when installing Service Manager Service Portal.

  • In the following instructions, $PROPEL_VM_HOSTNAME represents the fully qualified domain name of the Service Manager Service Portal host. You can set this as an environment variable with the following command on the Service Manager Service Portal host:

    # export PROPEL_VM_HOSTNAME=`hostname --fqdn`

  • The password is “changeit” for the Service Manager Service Portal global Java keystore

  • The password is “propel2014” for the Service Manager Service Portal keystore


Before performing these instructions and replacing the Service Manager Service Portal-generated certificates, make sure an SSL configuration between the Service Manager Service Portal host and a Service Manager supplier (endpoint) system works correctly. If you experience problems after replacing the SSL certificates, this will help you troubleshoot SSL issues.

Replace Service Manager Service Portal-Generated SSL Certificates

The instructions in this chapter are written for IT organizations that require both a CA-signed root certificate and an intermediate certificate. If your IT organization requires only a root certificate, you can simplify the instructions

Perform the following steps to replace the previously Service Manager Service Portal-generated SSL certificates with CA-signed SSL certificates.

The following commands are run as root on the Service Manager Service Portal host. (The default password is “propel2015” for the root user.)
  1. Stop the Service Manager Service Portal services:

    # propel stop

  2. Backup the current Service Manager Service Portal SSL directories:

    # cp -rp /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp.backup
    # cp -rp /opt/hp/propel/security /opt/hp/propel/security.backup

  3. Initialize the SSL working directory:

    # cd /opt/hp/propel-install
    # ./ init

    By default, the SSL working directory is /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp.

    Note This re-creates the /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp directory and removes all previous files.

  4. Obtain your IT organization's CA certificates for use by Service Manager Service Portal. Your IT organization can provide only a root certificate or both a root and an intermediate certificate. The instructions in this step are written for having both a root and an intermediate certificate. Considerations for the certificates are:

    • They must be in PEM format.
    • PEM certificates usually have extensions such as .pem, .crt, .cer, and .key.
    • They must be Base64 encoded ASCII files and contain:

      "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"


      "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"


    1. Copy the root certificate as CA.crt and the intermediate certificate as intermediate.crt to the /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp directory.
    2. Merge both certificates in the /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp directory:

      # cd /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp
      # cat CA.crt intermediate.crt > rootPlusIntermediate.crt

  5. Back up the existing Service Manager Service Portal global Java keystore:

    # cd /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk/jre/lib/security
    # cp cacerts cacerts.backup

  6. Import the root certificate (CA.crt) into the Service Manager Service Portal global Java keystore

    # keytool -importcert -file /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/CA.crt
    -alias <CA_ALIAS> -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts

    Where <CA_ALIAS> is the CA alias you specify. The password is "changeit" for the global Java keystore.

  7. Import the intermediate certificate (intermediate.crt) into the Service Manager Service Portal global Java keystore

    # keytool -importcert -file /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/intermediate.crt
    -alias <INT_ALIAS> -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts

    Where <INT_ALIAS> is the intermediate alias you specify.

    Tip You can verify that the global Java keystore contains your CA certificates:

    # keytool -list -keystore cacerts –storepass changeit | grep <ALIAS>

    Where <ALIAS> is either the CA alias or the intermediate alias you specified in steps 6 and 7.

  8. Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and Server Private Key pair:

    # cd /opt/hp/propel-install
    # ./ generateSigningRequest <SUBJECT>

    Where SUBJECT is the signing request subject in the slash-separated form. "CN" must be the last field in the subject and contain the fully qualified hostname of the Service Manager Service Portal host. Enclose the subject in double quotes, such as:
    "/C=US/ST=CA/L=San Jose/O=StartUpCompany/

    Note The private key password ("propel2014") is automatically created by the script.

    This command creates two new directories and four new files
    /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/$PROPEL_VM_HOSTNAME/ directory
    /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/$PROPEL_VM_HOSTNAME/out/ directory
    /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/hostnames file
    /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/$PROPEL_VM_HOSTNAME/private.key.pem file
    /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/$PROPEL_VM_HOSTNAME/propel_host.key.csr file
    /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/$PROPEL_VM_HOSTNAME/out/propel_host.key.rsa file

    Tip You can skip step 9 and step 10 if you already have your certificate signed by CA. You just need to replace the private.key.pem, propel_host.key.csr, and propel_host.key.rsa files in the directory listed above.

  9. You can verify the content of your CSR by pasting its text in here:

  10. Send the CSR containing the public key to your CA. This is a process specific to your company, and network administrators should know how to accomplish this. Ask for the certificate to be delivered in PEM format. If it is not, you can convert formats with the openssl command.
  11. After the certificate has been received from the CA, copy the new host certificate to:

    If you need to extract the host certificate from a PEM file, you can extract the text beginning with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and ending with "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

    The following is an example:

    [root@SGDLITVM034 out]# pwd
    [root@SGDLITVM034 out]# cat propel_host.crt
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    [root@SGDLITVM034 out]#
  12. View the SSL certificate signing algorithm.

    Note We recommend reviewing the certificate-signing algorithm used and ensuring that strong encryption is used. For example, SHA1 is sometimes used, and instead, stronger algorithms such as SHA256 should be used.

    To view a certificate’s signing algorithm, execute the following command:

    # keytool –printcert –file <SSL-CERTIFICATE> | grep –i algorithm

    For example:

    # keytool –printcert –file /opt/hp/propel/security/propel_host.crt | grep algorithm
    Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
  13. Validate the host certificate and the CA match:

    # openssl verify -verbose -CAfile

    You should see the following message:
    /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/$PROPEL_VM_HOSTNAME/out/propel_host.crt: OK

    Caution Do not proceed if you see any error messages. The CA and certificate must match. Restore the Service Manager Service Portal host's files that were backed up in previous steps (2 and 5) and restart this procedure if necessary.

  14. Create the certificate and the keystores:

    # cd /opt/hp/propel-install/
    # ./ finish

    The results of the finish script resemble the following example:

    [root@SGDLITVM034 hp]# ls -la /opt/hp/propel-install/overlay/*/security
    total 8
    drwxr-x---. 2 root root   43 Sep 21 10:57 .
    drwxr-x---. 3 root root   21 Sep 21 10:57 ..
    -rw-r-----. 1 root root 1627 Sep 22 13:54 CA.crt
    -rw-r-----. 1 root root 2169 Sep 22 13:54 propel.truststore
    total 24
    drwxr-x---. 2 root root 4096 Sep 21 10:57 .
    drwxr-x---. 3 root root   21 Sep 21 10:57 ..
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2285 Sep 22 13:54 .keystore
    -rw-r-----. 1 root root 2904 Sep 22 13:54 propel_host.chain.crt
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1277 Sep 22 13:39 propel_host.crt
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1679 Sep 22 11:41 propel_host.key.rsa
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2689 Sep 22 13:54 propel_host.pfx
  15. Move all the created files, intermediate.crt, and rootPlusIntermediate.crt into their final locations:

    The yes commands preceding the cp commands automatically sends a "y" when prompted to overwrite an existing file.

    # cd /opt/hp/propel-install/overlay/_ALL_HOSTS_/security
    # yes | cp -p * /opt/hp/propel/security

    # cd /opt/hp/propel-install/overlay/$PROPEL_VM_HOSTNAME/security
    # yes | cp -p * /opt/hp/propel/security
    # yes | cp -p .keystore /opt/hp/propel/security

    # cp /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/rootPlusIntermediate.crt

    # cp /opt/hp/propel-install/ssl-tmp/intermediate.crt

    The following is an example:

    [root@SGDLITVM034 security]# ls -la
    total 36
    dr-xr-x---.  2 propel propel 4096 Sep 21 11:12 .
    drwxr-xr-x. 36 propel root   4096 Sep 21 11:14 ..
    -r--r-----.  1 propel propel 1627 Sep 22 14:00 CA.crt
    -r--r-----.  1 propel propel 2285 Sep 22 13:54 .keystore
    -r--r-----.  1 propel propel 2904 Sep 22 13:54 propel_host.chain.crt
    -r--r-----.  1 propel propel 1277 Sep 22 13:39 propel_host.crt
    -r--r-----.  1 propel propel 1679 Sep 22 11:41 propel_host.key.rsa
    -r--r-----.  1 propel propel 2689 Sep 22 13:54 propel_host.pfx
    -r--r-----.  1 propel propel 2169 Sep 22 13:54 propel.truststore
  16. Make sure the CA.crt and intermediate.crt files are in the /opt/hp/propel/security directory on the Service Manager Service Portal host. (They should have already been copied in step 14 above.)
  17. Import the intermediate certificate (intermediate.crt file) into the Service Manager Service Portal truststore:

    # cd /opt/hp/propel/security
    # keytool -importcert -file intermediate.crt -keystore propel.truststore -trustcacerts

    Tip The password is "propel2014" for the Service Manager Service Portal truststore.

  18. Update the app.json files on the Service Manager Service Portal VM with the following commands:

    # cd /opt/hp/propel
    # sed -i -e's!/opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt!/opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt,/opt/hp/propel/security/intermediate.crt!' $(find . -print | grep app.json)
  19. Update the Identity Management (IdM) *.json files on the Service Manager Service Portal VM with the following commands:

    # cd /opt/hp/propel/idmAdmin/conf
    # sed -i -e's!/opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt!/opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt,/opt/hp/propel/security/intermediate.crt!' $(find . -print | grep endpoint.json)
    # sed -i -e's!/opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt!/opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt,/opt/hp/propel/security/intermediate.crt!' $(find . -print | grep idm.json)

Update RabbitMQ

  1. Edit the /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config file so that the cacertfile property has either the single root certificate (CA.crt file) or both the root and intermediate certificates (rootPlusIntermediate.crt file) specified. The following is an example of using both certificates:

  2. Restart RabbitMQ and clean up its log files

    systemctl stop rabbitmq-server
    rm -rf /var/log/rabbitmq/*
    systemctl start rabbitmq-server
  3. Make sure there are no errors in the
    /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@<PROPEL_HOST_SHORTNAME>.log file.

Tip Next, if you need to configure SSL between Service Manager and Service Manager Service Portal, go to (Optional) Configure two-way SSL between SMSP and Service Manager; otherwise go to Add Service Manager as a supplier.