How to Check the Population Log File

You can set the Development adapter log level to DEBUG so that you can check the population result tree nodes of UCMDB, and send messages to and receive messages from Service Manager. Alternatively, you can set the log level to TRACE so as to check the conversion period based on a mapping file.

Note To troubleshoot push, population, and federation issues, you need to set the Development adapter log level to DEBUG or TRACE in the and files, which are located in the \conf\log folder of your Data Flow Probe or Integration Service installation. Additionally, you can view push, population and federation log information in the fcmdb.push.all.log file, which is located in the \runtime\log folder of your Data Flow Probe or Integration Service installation. Your Data Flow Probe or Integration Service may be installed on the same host as your UCMDB Server or on a separate host.

To set the Development adapter log level and view the population log file, follow the steps described in How to Check the Push Log File.