Query Requirements

The integration requires that any custom queries you create meet certain formatting conditions. Any queries that you want to include in the integration must meet these conditions:

  • To query CIs, a query must contain one CI type labeled Root. The Root node is the main CI that UCMDB synchronizes. All other CIs are contained CIs of the Root CI.
  • To query relationships, a query must contain one or more relationships labeled Root.
  • A query must contain only the Root CI and CIs that are directly connected to it. The Root CI is always the top node of the query hierarchy.
  • A query layout cannot have cycles.
  • If a query synchronizing relationships has cardinality, it must be cardinality 1...*. Additional cardinality entries must have an OR condition between them.
  • If you want the integration to only synchronize specific CIs, you must configure the condition on the query to filter such CIs.