Expressions tab

The Expressions tab contains information about the JavaScript expressions contained within each of the Service Catalog connectors. It contains an initialization expression that needs to be processed before adding the record.

This is an example of an initialization expression for the Create New Request connector.

if (filename($L.file)="ocmq") then ($L.object="ocmq";$L.exit="normal";$L.action="open")
if (filename($L.file)="ocmq") then (category in $L.file=jscall("svcCatInterface.getXMLFieldValue", in $L.item, "category"))
category in $L.file=nullsub(category in $L.file, "customer")
if (filename($L.file)="ocmq") then (current.phase in $L.file=jscall("svcCatInterface.getXMLFieldValue", in $L.item, "phase"))
if (filename($L.file)="ocmq") then (approval.status in $L.file=jscall("svcCatInterface.getXMLFieldValue", in $L.item, "approval"))
if (filename($L.file)="ocmq") then ($L.current.phase in $L.file=jscall("svcCatInterface.getXMLFieldValue", in $L.item, "phase"))
comments in $L.file=options in $L.item
if (options in $L.cartItem~=NULL and options in $L.cartItem~="</form>") then (svc.options in $L.file=options in $L.cartItem)

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Service Catalogs
Service Catalog connectors
Connector Detail tab

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