Updated configurations

This section describes the configuration changes that you need to make because of the introduction of this Smart Ticket tuning toolkit.


In the content.cfg file, remove the Transliteration=false line:



The removed line should only be defined in a specific language section if you do not want that language to use “transliteration”.

You can find a detailed description of this configuration in the following document:

<Smart Analytics install directory>/IDOL/help/IDOLServerReference#Configuration/LanguageTypes/Languages/Transliteration.htm


In the content.cfg file, use the following configuration for stemming:



You can find a detailed description of this configuration in the following document:

<Smart Analytics install directory>/IDOL/help/IDOLServerReference#Configuration/LanguageTypes/Languages/Stemming.htm


The ProperNames configuration parameter controls whether terms are created from pairs of consecutive words in index fields.

In the content.cfg file, configure the following parameter:


You can find a detailed description of this configuration in the following document:

<Smart Analytics install directory>/IDOL/help/IDOLServerReference#Configuration/LanguageTypes/Languages/ProperNames.htm

Hyphenchars and AugmentSeparators

In the content.cfg file, you can configure how Smart Analytics should handle hyphens. Configure the following parameters:

  • HyphenChars
  • AugmentSeparators

You can find detailed descriptions of this configuration in the following documents:

  • <Smart Analytics install directory>/IDOL/help/IDOLServerReference#Configuration/LanguageTypes/Languages/Hyphenchars.htm
  • <Smart Analytics install directory>/IDOL/help/IDOLServerReference#Configuration/LanguageTypes/Languages/AugmentSeparators.htm

Number index

You can find a detailed description of this configuration in the following document:

<Smart Analytics install directory>/IDOL/help/IDOLServerReference#Configuration/LanguageTypes/Languages/IndexNumbers.htm