Detailed return codes from Document Engine

The System Administrator can manipulate the detailed return code by setting the value of $L.exit in the Document Engine process’s final expressions to one of the following:

Action or Error Situation $L.exit value
record has changed since it was selected changed
cancel processing the record cancel
record is locked locked
Request failed validation bad.val
record was deleted since it was selected deleted
exit processing exit
normal exit normal
Record should get unlocked unlock
Sets exit value to menu to return to the menu menu
Record was added, screen will be refreshed added
Processing will restart – starting with init of file variable restart
Processing will proceed with a new state record newstate
Displayed records will be refreshed refresh
Displayed joinfile records will be refreshed refreshjoinfile
Category changes newcat
Position in record list will be changed reposition
Record will be reset to original values resetrec
Mode will be set to close and close processing will start closestate
Restart processing starting with init of file variable restart
Mode will be set to add, which goes into the open state openstate
Initializing values to add record setupadd
An undefined action was passed to the document engine invalid.action
User is not authorized for this action no auth