Develop > Processes and Best Practices > Service Level Management Details > Service Level Management form details

Service Level Management form details

The following table identifies and describes some of the features of Service Level Management forms.

SLA/OLA/UC field descriptions




Agreement ID

The unique ID of the Agreement. Service Manager populates this field when the Agreement is first created.

Service Manager uses this number to track relationships between Agreements and their supporting data.


The category of agreement that best describes the Agreement.


The current phase of the record.


The type field identifies an Agreement as a Service or Customer Agreement. This field has two possible values: Service or Customer.


The name of the customer who is directly impacted by the service levels measured by the Agreement.

Service Contract

The ID of the contract (entitlement) that covers the service specified in the Agreement.

The contracts available in the drop-down list are dependent on the selected customer for the Agreement.

Service Hours

The schedule that customers are entitled to the service guaranteed by the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

When you register Interactions or open Incidents, Service Manager checks the Service Hours schedule, to determine if the customer submitting the Interaction or Incident is entitled to the service.


A brief descriptive title for the Agreement.


A description of the service levels covered by the Agreement.

Effective From

The date and time when the Agreement coverage begins.

Expiration Date

The date and time when the Agreement coverage expires.

Next Agreement Review Date

The date when the agreement is supposed to be reviewed next time.

Service Review Frequency

This field identifies how often the agreement is to be reviewed.

Next Service Review Date

The date when the relevant service in the agreement is supposed to be reviewed next time.

Owner Group

The group who is responsible for the agreement.


The operator who is responsible for the agreement.

Agreed By

The individuals in the contacts table who reach an agreement on the Agreement.


Notes, verbal agreements, or comments that are relevant to the Agreement. For example, an additional agreement that was not part of the original agreement.


You can use the Attachments section to attach documents to the Agreement.


Displays a figure of request task workflow. It indicates the current phase which the request task is in, and traces the phase transition history.

Process Targets

Displays the Service Level Targets which define the Process Target details.

Service Targets

Displays the Service Level Targets which define the Service Target details.


Records information that the operator enters during the lifecycle of the Agreement. Every time you update the agreement, you can fill in an update on the Activities section. A log of all the updates is stored on the Journal Updates and activities list.

Underpinning Agreements

Displays a list of Underpinning Agreements related to this Agreement.


Displays a list of subscription information related to this Agreement.


Displays the monthly overall performance metrics of this Agreement, as well as the specific performance metrics of its different types of service level targets (process targets and service targets).

Improvement Plans

Displays a list of Improvement Plans related to this Agreement.

Assignment Groups

The group in the assignment table associated with agreement for Operational Level Agreement.

Related SLA

Displays a list of SLAs related to this Operational Level Agreement.

External Assignment Groups

The external group in the assignment table associated with agreement for Underpinning Contract.

Service Level Target field descriptions




Service Level Target ID

The unique ID of the Process or Service Target.

Service Manager creates this field automatically when adding the SLT. This field is read-only unless you are searching for specific SLTs.

Agreement ID

The unique ID of the Agreement associated to the Service Target.

Service Manager populates this field when you create a new SLT from the Agreement screen using the wizard.

Service Manager uses this number to track relationships between Agreements and their supporting data.

Name The name of the Process or Service Target.


Determines whether to process the process Target.

You can enter the condition manually, or Service Manager can create it automatically based on field parameters that you select when you add the SLT by using the wizard.


The owner of the process for the Process or Service Target.

Agreement Title The title of the Agreement associated to the Service Target.
Service Level Category The service level category of agreement that best describes the Service Target.

Process Criteria

Service Area

The application area in Service Manager that the Process Target applies to.

The value displayed in the drop-down list reflect the Service Manager areas or modules that are available for use in Service Level Agreement.

Initial State

A state when the Process Target (SLT) should start measuring the process time.

Final State A state when the Process Target (SLT) should stop measuring the process time.
Duration Type The type of response time to measure when processing the Process Target.
Duration The maximum interval of time allowed between the Initial State and the Final State.
Schedule Information - Schedule The schedule used to determine the valid times for processing the Process Target.
Schedule Information - Using this time zone The time zone to use when processing the Process Target.
Escalation - Alerts The alert(s) to generate when processing the Process Target.
Escalation - Suspend processing for these states States when processing for the Service Level Target (SLT) should be suspended.


Displays a list of subscription information related to this Service Level Target.


Displays the timestamps and operators that the Service Level Target is opened or updated by.

Service Criteria

Affected CI

The unique ID of the affected configuration item (CI) measured by the Service Target.

The CI is required to have a valid identifier and must have a corresponding entry in the device table.

Cost Center:

The cost center information for this configuration item (CI).

Service Manager populates this field when you create a new SLT from the Agreement screen using the wizard.
Serial No.

The serial number for this configuration item (CI).

Service Manager populates this field when you create a new SLT from the Agreement screen using the wizard.

The manufacturer's model identification for this configuration item (CI).

Service Manager populates this field when you create a new SLT from the Agreement screen using the wizard.

The manufacturer of this configuration item (CI).

Service Manager populates this field when you create a new SLT from the Agreement screen using the wizard.

The manufacturer's model identification for this configuration item (CI).

Service Manager populates this field when you create a new SLT from the Agreement screen using the wizard.
Monthly Service- Metric Type - Required Uptime The percentage of time that the affected configuration item (CI) should be available per month.
Monthly Service- Metric Type - Max Outage Duration The maximum amount of time that the affected configuration item (CI) may be unavailable for a single outage.
Service Window Information - Schedule The schedule used to determine the valid times for processing the Service Target.
Service Window Information - Time Zone The time zone to use when processing the Service Target.
Escalation - Alerts The alert(s) to generate when processing the Service Target.

Upcoming Alerts

Displays a list of Upcoming Alerts related to this Service Level Target.

Current Outage Events

Displays a list of Current Outage Events related to this Service Level Target.