Administer > System security > Trusted sign-on > Requirements for trusted sign-on > Example: Enabling trusted sign-on > Example: Configuring the Web server for trusted sign-on

Example: Configuring the web server for trusted sign-on

To enable trusted sign-on for web tier clients, you must install and configure a web server (for example, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) or Apache), which receives the user information from the client through the browser, and passes the user name and domain name to the web application server.

Note The following steps assume that the web server and web application server configurations are already established, and that the only necessary changes to the configurations of these servers are those described below.

Apache configuration changes

Note The module is available only for Windows; if Apache is installed on a UNIX operating system, it may be necessary to create a custom class to perform trusted sign-on.

  1. Add the module to the /modules directory in the Apache installation.
  2. Add the following lines to the bottom of the httpd.conf file to allow for trusted sign-on:
  3.  #SspiAuth Module
     LoadModule sspi_auth_module modules/
       <Location "/sm">
         AllowOverride None
         Options None
         Order allow,deny
         Allow from all
         AuthType SSPI
         SSPIAuth On
         SSPIDomain MYDOMAIN
         SSPIAuthoritative On
         SSPIOfferBasic Off
         SSPIPerRequestAuth On
         require valid-user

    The name within the Location tag needs to be the path the user enters to open the Service Manager web client Web site; it is usually /sm, because the name is taken from the sm.war file. In a configuration with multiple domains, comment out the SSPIDomain parameter by adding a crosshatch character (#) in front of the line.

IIS configuration changes

  1. Download the Apache jk2 connector binary from to your web application server's home directory (in this example, Tomcat home directory), and make sure the following files are added to the following folders:

    • <Tomcat_home>\conf folder: jakarta isapirewrite.reg,,
    • <Tomcat_home>\bin folder: isapi_redirector2.dll
  2. In the jakarta isapirewrite.reg and files, update the Tomcat root path to your real Tomcat path.
  3. Run the jakarta isapirewrite.reg file to add the information to your web tier server's system registry.
  4. From your operating system's Control Panel, click Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services.

  5. Expand your local computer node, click Web Sites.
  6. Right-click Default Web Sites, and select New > Virtual Directory.

    The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard opens.

  7. In the Name field, type jakarta, and in the Directory field, browse to the directory where isapi_redirector2.dll is located (in this example, it is the Tomcat bin folder, with read and execute permissions).
  8. Right-click Default Web Sites, and select Properties. In the Properties window, do the following:
    1. Select the ISAPI Filter tab, and add a filter with the following information:

      • Filter Name: jakarta
      • Executable: C:\<Tomcat_home>\bin\isapi_redirector2.dll

        Note: Replace <Tomcat_home> with your real Tomcat home directory. 

    2. Select the Directory Security tab, and click Edit.

      The Authentication Methods window opens.

    3. Select Integrated Windows authentication at the bottom, and clear all other selections in this window.
  9. Start your operating system's command prompt, and run the following commands:

    cd C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts
    cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/NTAuthenticationProviders "NTLM"           

    Your IIS web server configuration changes are completed. You can continue to configure the web browser's security settings to enable trusted sign-on for web clients.

Related topics

Trusted sign-on
Example: Enabling trusted sign-on