Link an HTML template to a notification

To link an HTML template to a notification, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Notifications > Notifications.

  2. Search for the notification record to which you want to link the HTML template.

  3. On the Message tab, locate the message with an Msg Class of HTMLTemplate and an id Msg No. of 1.

  4. In the Arguments field, replace the second argument of the jscall function with the name of the template that you want to use for this notification.

  5. On the Email/Mail Subject Line tab, locate the message with an Msg Class of HTMLTemplate and an id Msg No. of 1.

  6. In the Arguments field, replace the second argument of the jscall function with the name of the template that you want to use for this notification.

  7. Click Save to save the changes.