Release notes > Fixed defects

Fixed defects

Service Manager 9.60 fixes the following defects.

QCCR1E63915ApplicationsDeleting compound filter causes a condition error.Deleting compound filter no longer causes a condition error.
QCCR1E96951ApplicationsWith the French language pack installed, when using advanced filter, the displayed query in the "Condition" field from the "FilterAdvFind" form is in English instead of French.The filed is displayed correctly.
QCCR1E103865ApplicationsAfter you open and then close a support request in SRC, the resolution field in the generated interaction is replaced with a closure comment. The closure comment may be meaningless, for example “Fix applied, confirm it works. Please close the case."The resolution is not overwritten by the meaningless comment.
QCCR1E118926ApplicationsInconsistent closure code lists are displayed when searching and closing problems.Consistent closure code lists are displayed when searching and closing problems.
QCCR1E122330ApplicationsThe values are hardcoded and cannot be localized in the lists of "Service Area","Initial State", "Finial State", "Suspend processing" and "for these states" in the "Search Process Target Records" page.The values in these lists are displayed correctly in the localized languages.
QCCR1E125376ApplicationsAn additional Task field with the array type cannot be saved in task planner.An additional Task field with the array type can be saved in task planner.
QCCR1E132870ApplicationsThe sla slamodulecontrol should support setting the End Time field to downtime.end.The End Time field in sla slamodulecontrol is the maximum end time in the SLA calculation.
QCCR1E133601ApplicationsThe "Submit for Approval" and "Retire" strings are not localized in all Non-ENU locales for KM.The "Submit for Approval" and "Retire" columns are displayed correctly with localization.
QCCR1E133974ApplicationsSearching for specific Change Task statuses in a PD enabled environment returns incorrect results.Searching for specific Change Task statuses returns correct results.
QCCR1E134932ApplicationsThe values under "Allowed Status" in security right panel are not localized.The values under "Allowed Status" are shown in the operator's language insecurity right panel.
QCCR1E134910ApplicationsThe field value cannot be removed from a template.The field value can be removed from a template.
QCCR1E135710ApplicationsSignal 11 error occurs when approving a Quote via ESS.No Signal 11 error occurs when approving a Quote now.
QCCR1E135781ApplicationsThe values of rights "Update" and "Closed" show in English.The values of rights "Update" and "Closed" are displayed correctly with localization.
QCCR1E135758ApplicationsUsers need to add a new incident category name to the category table but the the category table is replaced by imCategories in PD environment.Changing the categories as imCategories helps to resolve the problem.
QCCR1E137439ApplicationsWhen creating custom applications patch during applications patch upgrade, sometimes the system hangs and the structure of exported unload file is incorrect.When creating custom applications patch during applications patch upgrade, the system will not hang and the files are exported without error.
QCCR1E138567ApplicationsThere is no way provided to localize KM library names in Smart Analytics.KM library names now support localization in Smart Analytics by scmessage with class "local:kmknowledgebase".
QCCR1E138657ApplicationsIntermittently Smart Email fails to insert or update records.Smart Email no longer fails to insert or update records.
QCCR1E138658ApplicationsWhen using the Smart Email action button to reject or accept a resolved incident that is in the "Closure“ phase, the update is not working.You can now successfully use the Smart Email action button to reject or accept are solved incident that is in the "Closure“ phase.
QCCR1E138805ApplicationsYou cannot save records when the KM server is down.SM checks if the KM server is down and make the records saved.
QCCR1E138918ApplicationsWhen having a popup window defined for a field in case insensitive database, this requires case sensitive input. Otherwise the popup window will display a message"No records found".The popup window does not require case sensitive input and displays information in any case now.
QCCR1E138955ApplicationsThe inbox fields cannot be modified if it has an empty value.The empty field in the inbox fields will be removed when saving the inbox record.
QCCR1E138998ApplicationsFrom Object > cm3t > Manage Queues, setting the “Thread list > Edit” option to true causes incorrect column view. When this value is set to 'true', the default view (cm3t.qbe.g) is used instead of the fields defined in the 'All open tasks' view.From Object > cm3t > Manage Queues, setting the “Thread list > Edit” option totrue no longer causes incorrect column view. When this value is set to 'true', the view with fields defined in the 'All open tasks' view is used instead.
QCCR1E139027ApplicationsCreating assignment groups through Web Service does not work.You can now successfully create assignment groups through Web Service.
QCCR1E139085ApplicationsWhile building multiple levels of groups in condition builder, the conditions arenot combined correctly.The conditions are combined correctly in multiple levels of groups in conditionbuilder.
QCCR1E139268ApplicationsAn error occurs when you try to view related records from interaction search QBEby using RAD "us.view.all.related".Now you can see related records from interaction search QBE by using RAD"us.view.all.related".
QCCR1E139293ApplicationsWhen an operator has the New option within the security role for Incident/ProblemTask and Update is set to "When assigned to workgroup", the operator is unable to create a task as the form is grayed out and the operator is unable to add description.The operator can create Incident/Problem Task if the operator has the New option within the security role.
QCCR1E139341ApplicationsAn SQL error occurs for interaction cart item approval with postgresql.No SQL error occurs for interaction cart item approval with postgresql.
QCCR1E139399ApplicationsWhen incident/interaction was assigned to a group with underpinning contract and reassigned to a group without, the active flag in sloresponsehist records is not cleaned up, when related incident/interaction is closed.The active flag will be cleared when incident is closed.
QCCR1E139428ApplicationsThe directory /tmp/SM_SmartEmail_EML_Store cannot correctly be created in Linux.The directory can be correctly created.
QCCR1E139401ApplicationsTwo duplicated "Where the Interaction is" options exist in the "SearchInteractions" page.Now only one "Where the Interaction is" option exists in the "SearchInteractions" page.
QCCR1E139434ApplicationsInteractions opened from an Incident cannot be closed immediately in hybrid mode because they reopened by linker process.Interactions opened from an Incident can be closed without issue in hybrid mode now.
QCCR1E139536ApplicationsThe "Closed" phase of the interaction record shows incorrectly in JP language pack from the interaction search screen.The "Closed" phase of the Interaction record now shows correctly.
QCCR1E139563ApplicationsWrong rule set is displayed in “View Rule Set Used In”.Rule set is displayed correctly in “View Rule Set Used In”.

The following error occurs when setting the Outage End date for a CI on an Incident.

The record being updated has been modified since read(sla.outageevent.update,update.outageevent)file:(outageevent) key:(record.tag=probsummary;IMXXXXX,,update.outageevent)

The incident is saved successfully without outageevent error now.
QCCR1E139635ApplicationsFor incident tasks, last journal update is removed once the record is refreshed.The journal update of incident task is not removed after the record is refreshed.
QCCR1E139628ApplicationsSearching for records does not work properly when using a view with joined tables.Searching for records works properly when using a view with joined tables.
QCCR1E139643ApplicationsRelated records do not get copied when using Copy Record on an existing Interaction when Delay Assigning Interaction ID and Copy Associations of Cloned Interactions are both checked.Related records are copied properly when using Copy Record on an existing Interaction when Delay Assigning Interaction ID and Copy Associations of Cloned Interactions are both checked.
QCCR1E139664ApplicationsThe RAD "axces.rm" does not support Request Fulfillment with event services.The RAD "axces.js" will support Request Fulfillment with event services.
QCCR1E139770ApplicationsThe view selected for searching does not match the inbox column definition.The view selected for searching will match the inbox column definition.
QCCR1E139800ApplicationsIn Service Request Catalog, an operator belonging to a group cannot approve or deny a request on his/her own behalf only.Now the request can be approved separately by the operator and the group.
QCCR1E139835ApplicationsModifications made to Inbox views through "Modify Columns" are not saved.Modifications made to Inbox views through "Modify Columns" works well.
QCCR1E140573ApplicationsWhen a template from change is created, where the Planned End and Planned Start fields are filled in and later an affected CI is added to the template, all the date fields values are automatically changed from relative to real dates. This causes errors and will not fill any date into the date fields when creating new change from the template.The date fields in template do not set from relative to real dates when update CI in the template.
QCCR1E140630ApplicationsThe active flag in sloresponsehist is not cleared when the related Interaction/Request is closed.The active flag in sloresponsehist will be cleared when the related Interaction/Request is closed.
QCCR1E140781ApplicationsWhen trying to add values to filter fields, the selection dialog does not load data.When trying to add values to filter fields, the selection dialog loads data properly.
QCCR1E140907ApplicationsThe comment pop-up cannot be displayed if denying directly after one denial by view.The comment pop-up is displayed when denying directly after one denial by view.
QCCR1E141049ApplicationsWhen you create a new template, for example from a change, the values for the CI fields will be the logical names of the CIs instead of the display names.When you create a new template, for example from a change, the values for the CI fields will be the display names of the CIs.
QCCR1E141036ApplicationsWhen a user modifies the columns of any search form in the Web client, several blank fields are displayed in the drop-down list.Blank fields are not displayed now.
QCCR1E141186ApplicationsThe "Close Directly" button is invisible when you create a new incident if the operator does not have the update permission.The "Close Directly" button is displayed correctly when creating a new incident if the operator has the new permission.
QCCR1E141263ApplicationsSMIS Task does not handle a varchar type of ID.SMIS Task handles a varchar type of ID properly.
QCCR1E141857ApplicationsOLA Process Target data of Changes is not logged in the sloresponsehist table.OLA Process Target data of Changes can be logged in the sloresponsehist table.

Service Manager Smart Email does not process all incoming emails correctly in the following scenarios:

  • Email Token is not recognized, because the token is split into different strings
  • Email Token is not recognized when the email is signed, because the token is split into different strings
  • Email is downloaded but created as an SMIS Task but not processed at all (no update; no add) with NULL Event
  • Email is ignored on the Mail server by Service Manager does not create a SMIS Task for these Email

Now Smart Email works correctly:

  • Email Token is properly recognized when the token is split into different strings
  • Email Token is properly recognized when the email is signed and the token is split into different strings
QCCR1E141745ApplicationsWhen downloading attachment, the file name becomes unreadable.The file name does not include unreadable characters when downloading attachment.
QCCR1E142401ApplicationsWhen the colon character ":" is included in the search keyword, no result is returned.When the colon character ":" is included in the search keyword, results will be returned.
QCCR1E142430ApplicationsPending Approvals count is not displayed correctly in Service Request Catalog.

Pending Approvals count is displayed correctly in Service Request Catalog.

Note: If your approval type is "One must approve", you must clear disable aggregate approval from the Service Manager server.

Steps to disable aggregate approval:

  1. From the command line, type db and then press Enter. The Database Manager page opens.
  2. In the Form field, type Object. The Object Definition form opens.
  3. In the File Name field, type incidents.
  4. Switch to the Approvals tab, and then clear the Aggregate Approvals option.
  5. Click Save.
QCCR1E142561ApplicationsInteractions no longer go to "Open – Idle" on Hybrid environment.Interactions will go to "Open – Idle" on Hybrid environment.
QCCR1E142919ApplicationsWhen copying a Change Request (CR) to a new CR, the new CR appears. The new CR is created before you click Save.If the change has no related task or you do not copy tasks, the copied new change is not saved automatically.
QCCR1E143015ApplicationsThe "Report number exceeds 100000" message is displayed due to incorrect check on inbox records.The "Report number exceeds 100000" message will not be displayed.
QCCR1E143095ApplicationsService recipient is incorrect while creating a request on behalf of another userService recipient is correct while creating a request on behalf of another user
QCCR1E143096ApplicationsUsing Connect-It to send approvals through to SM by using event services fails with "You may not approve for any of the pending approval groups." even if the proper approver is provided.Using Connect-It to send approvals through to SM by using event services can be properly processed now.
QCCR1E143698ApplicationsSearch does not work with different system wildcard configurations for dashboard search or Change Model search.The issue has been resolved well.
QCCR1E143806ApplicationsFiled Duplicate Problems is not updated when you just change a Duplicate of Problem record ( hasDuplicate.problem is not updated once isDuplicated.problemchanges in child )Filed Duplicate Problems is properly updated when you just change a Duplicate of Problem record.
QCCR1E143894ApplicationsPerformance problems occur on non-English system when ordering from catalog if there is a large number of catalogs.Performance has been improved on non-English system when ordering from catalog.
QCCR1E144016ApplicationsA performance issue occurs when you use the auto-complete feature for the Affected CI field.The performance is good when you use the auto-complete feature for the Affected CI field.
QCCR1E144044ApplicationsThe CM.relationship format control does not work properly when adding new cirelationship. An unrecoverable error occurs when saving cirealtionship.The CM.relationship format control work properly now when saving cirelationship.
QCCR1E144171ApplicationsTotal Elapsed Time and Total Elapsed Time per Group are not updated in sloresponsehist records and remain 00:00:00 even if the related record is assigned to multiple assignment groups.Total Elapsed Time and Total Elapsed Time per Group are properly updated in sloresponsehist records now.
QCCR1E144445ApplicationsWhen you add a large attachment added to Incident record or Request record, an incorrect application value is applied in the SYSATTACHMENTS table.A large attachment can be added successfully without issue.
QCCR1E144443ApplicationsInvalid notification is sent when using auto-transition optimization .Auto transition optimization can be disabled.
QCCR1E144553ApplicationsNegative Timestamp for activities is not correct and activities are not listed inthe right order.Negative Timestamp for activities is correct and activities are listed in the right order now.
QCCR1E144622ApplicationsInstead of only the change models that the user is allowed to see and choosefrom, all change models are displayed in the Change creation wizard if the roleof user has empty entry.The change models are displayed correctly according to the user's role.
QCCR1E144929ApplicationsWhen a knowledge article is retired in SM, the system removes the article from SOLR, but SOLR does not send a signal to Service Portal to delete the article from Service Portal IDOL.When a knowledge article is retired in SM, the system removes the article from SOLR and send a signal to Service Portal to delete the article from Service Portal IDOL.
QCCR1E144958ApplicationsThe variable $fill.recurse used in links does not take effect for the auto-complete feature of a comfill, but it does for the fill function.Now the variable $fill.recurse used in links takes effect for the auto-complete feature as well as the fill function of a comfill.
QCCR1E145119ApplicationsThe Affected Service drop-down list generates an error "No option found".The system now supports pagination for the Affected Service drop-down list.
QCCR1E145357ApplicationsA "Smart Search behavior for high frequency queries" string under Smart Search Tailoring is displayed in English in non-English environments.The string is now displayed correctly in non-English environments by removing the hardcode and add scmessage for it.
QCCR1E145452ApplicationsThe Upgraded Lang field is empty when checking upgradehistory after you upgrade SM with multiple language packs applied.In upgradehistory, the languages are displayed in Upgraded Lang field after you upgrade with multiple languages.
QCCR1E145916ApplicationsStrong query hash key error occurs in sm.log when SM server starts.No strong query hash key error occurs in sm.log when SM server starts.
QCCR1E79799ServerWhen the combination is entered into a text area on a form and the screen is redisplayed after a failed validation, the combination is deleted. This results in data that is not formatted in the desired manner; data becomes misaligned in cases where tab characters are needed to format text.Now the text in a text area control is preserved just as it was entered after a validation fails and the screen is refreshed.
QCCR1E90604ServerThe "NativeMemory" size never shrinks, and the RTE runs low on memory.

This defect occurs because the default value of the usedmemcompmode parameter is 0, which means the memory usage formula:

used memory = committed memory + reserved memory.

However, this formula is inaccurate. To fix this defect, the RTE now uses the following formula:

used memory = committed memory

To enable the new formula, the default value of the usedmemcompmode parameter in the sm.ini file is updated to 1.

Note This CR is only for the RTE that runs on Windows.

QCCR1E96890ServerRequest to clarify if it is possible to extend the 64K limit we impose on the size of a SQL statement.Now the limit on the size of a SQL statement is increased to 256 KB.
QCCR1E137249ServerImage files are not listed in the Insert Image wizard in the HTML Editor when the HTML Editor whitelist feature is enabled.Image files are now listed in Insert Image Wizard and can be successfully inserted when the HTML Editor whitelist feature is enabled.
QCCR1E137982ServerThe doPurge JS function returns "RC_SUCCESS" even if there are no results in the database.The doPurge JS function does not return "RC_SUCCESS" if there are no results in the database.
QCCR1E139083Serverscm.advanced queues (inboxes) do not refresh correctly in Service Manager 9.41.The scm.advanced queues (inboxes) are now refreshed correctly.
QCCR1E139149ServerYou cannot exclude the dbdict file from an update by using the -svc_excludefiles:dbdict option with the svc_import commandYou can now use the -svc_excludefiles:dbdict option to exclude dbdict files from an update with the svc_import command.
QCCR1E139389ServerSecurity Rights are not enforced correctly when operators have multiple SecurityRoles for different modules.Now the Security Rights will be enforced correctly when operators have multiple Security Roles for different modules.
QCCR1E139400ServerYou cannot execute a NON-ADHOC query that includes a jscall() if the Expert Search option is selected.You can now execute a NON-ADHOC query that includes a jscall() if the Expert Search option is selected.
QCCR1E139409ServerWhen you attach a file with a file name in Japanese text to an Incident notice, the file name is displayed as nonsense text after you send the notice.When you attach a file with a file name in Japanese text to an Incident notice, the file name is displayed as expected after you send the notice.
QCCR1E139523Serverscmsg() is called recursively in _checkMemoryLimit(), which is called by utmalloc_legacy.scmsg() is no longer called recursively in _checkMemoryLimit().
QCCR1E139714ServerWhen you run the sm -svc_export command to generate XML files, the file names do not allow UTF-8 symbols and do not have limited lengths.Now the system includes a new parameter svc_unicode. When you run the sm-svc_export command to generate XML files, the file names can contain UTF-8symbols on Windows OS if this parameter is set to "1".
QCCR1E139760ServerQueries against a replica database are not refreshed if the replica database is the second replica of an Always On system.Queries on replica databases can be refreshed.
QCCR1E140536ServerThe Date/time format of xml files generated by svc_export with svc_mode:2 is always mm/dd/yyyy.

A new parameter (svc_dateformat) is added. The possible and default values of the parameter are the same as those of the sqltextdateformat parameter.

The svc_dateformat parameter is used when performing "svc_import" and"svc_export", and the "on-line export" with "svc_mode:2".

QCCR1E141801ServerService Manager cannot add .msg files as attachments with Smart Email in Outlook.Smart Email works correctly when sending email with the .msg attachments in Outlook.
QCCR1E141979ServerPerformance issue occurs when you try to export a large amount of records to CSV/Text using some views.The performance issue no longer exists.
QCCR1E142014ServerAfter Service Manager is migrated from a customized version 9.3x, with the introduction of the Logical Name solution, in most instances the DisplayName is in the list but the underlying sort is still dictated by The expected behavior is to have the list alphabetically sorted by DisplayName ( the query result will be sorted by "Display.Name", even when the file is a JOINFILE.
QCCR1E142202ServerWhen an email subject is too long and wrapped into two lines, Japanese characters in the subject become unrecognized.The email subject is now displayed correctly in this situation.
QCCR1E142293ServerWhen clicking on a change or a task record from a dashboard report list, you receive the message:"No Changes found to satisfy search arguments"Now, the query will be executed correctly.
QCCR1E142371ServerThe sm-api-keep-alive header does not work.The header is now working correctly.
QCCR1E142417ServerAfter upgrading and applying updated packages to the Linux operating system (RedHat Enterprise Linux 7), the SM Server is no longer starting successfully.The,, and files in the SM Server have been upgraded and the SM Server can start successfully.
QCCR1E142429ServerThe license is not replaced with the new OEM-key in OMNI Group Server by running the Smart Analytics installer.The OMNI Group Server license has been updated to the new OEM-key in the Smart Analytics installer. Customers can upgrade their existing Smart Analytics to obtain this update. Alternatively, customers can simply copy license.dat from other existing Smart Analytics component to replace license.dat under the OMNI Group Server installation path, delete the uid folder and license folder, and then restart the OMNI Group Server service.
QCCR1E142495ServerA Signal 11 error in the Service Manager server log causes the Service Manager servlet to stop responding.The Signal 11 error was caused by a bug in PolicyDupRefDict() and it will not happen again.
QCCR1E142536ServerKM stops responding when you click the Search button very rapidly (for example, 3to 4 times in a second).KM does not hang in this situation.
QCCR1E142581ServerIncident escalation wizard assignment field is blank after selection if Service or Affected CI is populated using autocomplete in the Interaction.The Incident escalation wizard assignment field has the correct value.
QCCR1E142920ServerAfter upgrading to Service Manager 9.52 Patch 1, you receive messages with the IDand class, for example:"- : Your last successful login was on ". The ID and class should not be shown in the UI.Now the message does not have a prefix.
QCCR1E142929ServerThe Key tab in dbdict does not pick up key field name modifications.The Key tab in dbdict now picks up key field name modifications.
QCCR1E142948ServerIf a date string represents a big negative duration such as "-4000-05-0312:58:01" in Linux, the Service Manager RTE will fail to parse the date.Now no error will happen when parsing a date string that represents a big negative duration in Linux.
QCCR1E142945ServerDuring an svc export operation, the xml file cannot be created if the file name is too long.The xml file can be successfully created no matter how long the file name is.
QCCR1E143311ServerSM Servlet may stop accepting new user connections - you may see "Max Sessions exceeded" errors and load balancer reports may say the servlet is full (forexample, 50/50). If checking the log file you will see a signal 6 error with recursion has occured, which causes the servlet to become in a bad state and will need to be restarted to resume normal operation.

The root cause of the signal 6 error is that the sql statement size is larger than 64K. The following code and behavior changes have been implemented to eliminate the signal 6 error:

  1. All sprintf() calls are replaced with snprintf(), and the SM Server checks thelengths of the above 2 lines - if overflow would happen, then call _maxErr() andgoto err.
  2. The script has been updated to keep the debug info and symbols.
QCCR1E143372ServerIt is not possible to easily debug remote core files sent in by customers on Linux platforms.The Linux build script of SM has been updated to include full debug information and symbols.
QCCR1E144275ServerWhen in the recipient list there is at least one invalid mail address, Service Manager fails to send the mail at all instead of sending the mail to all the other valid mail addresses.Service Manager will send the mail to the other valid mail addresses even when in the recipient list there is at least one invalid mail address.
QCCR1E144281ServerYou cannot modify field name and field size via svc_import at the same time.Now you can modify field name and field size via svc_import at the same time.
QCCR1E144317ServerIf a field is a member of a structure of array, when it is mapped to the A2 table and is one of the keys in the table, after you modify the field's name, the new field name is not reflected on the Key tab.Now the field name is updated on the Key tab.
QCCR1E144718ServerUsers are unable to access the system and lock Warning messages are showing in the logs due to missing bind variables on a query to USERINFO table.Users can access the system and no lock Warning messages are showing in the logs. The query now use bind variables.
QCCR1E144863ServerAfter updating SM server from SM9.52 to SM9.52 P1 on Linux platforms such as RHEL, it was not possible for clients to connect using TLS. The issue occurs when the SM Server/RTE uses OpenJDK as the JRE. It will not occur if using OracleJDK/JRE.Now the DHE algorithm will not be disabled unless the keysize is less than 1024 bytes.
QCCR1E144956ServerSRC has very slow performance due to slow DNS lookup of the hostname, which is not cached in the process.DNS lookup of the hostname now occurs only once and the hostname is cached in the process for reuse. Therefore, the SRC performance is significantly improved.
QCCR1E145021ServerWhen starting SM, scautolistener ports do not stay up (12690, 3002, 3005, 3007 &3015). There are no error messages in the log, the SC library is loaded, and the Process termination cleanup is complete. Attempts to restart 12690 fail with no success.Now the scautolistener will keep working.
QCCR1E145151ServerAfter processing the first batch of emails, Smart Email does not process any additional batches of emails. The logs indicate the startFrom variable is being set as a UTC time, however, it is being read as an EST time. This results in any additional emails not being processed until they are received after the UTC time is converted to ETC.Smart Email now processes emails in the shared inbox correctly.
QCCR1E145200ServerThe value for Affected CI gets populated on the next record if it was saved without pressing the Fill button.The value for Affected CI will not get populated on the next record if it was saved without pressing the Fill button.
QCCR1E138092UpgradeThere are lots of Renamed objects after you upgrade from SM9.4x with the Turkey language pack to SM9.5x.Objects with the Turkey language pack are upgraded after you upgrade from SM9.4x the Turkey language pack to SM9.5x.
QCCR1E139146UpgradeThe default inbox view in security setting is not migrated after upgrade to 9.5x Hybrid.The default inbox view in security setting is now migrated after upgrade to 9.5x Hybrid.
QCCR1E139483UpgradeError occurs when purging data that includes double quotation marks.The system now successfully purges data that includes double quotation marks.
QCCR1E139481UpgradeThe system displays unauthorized errors when upgrading SM Classic to SM Hybrid.The system no longer displays unauthorized errors when upgrading SM Classic to SM Hybrid
QCCR1E139480UpgradeError occurs when merging the conflicted records in the xmlHelpers ScriptLibraryafter upgrade.The xmlHelpers ScriptLibrary resolves conflicts automatically to avoid the errors when merging the conflicted records.
QCCR1E139479UpgradeError occurs when updating the value of the field delete of FolderRights.Error no longer occurs when updating the value of the field delete of FolderRights.
QCCR1E139507UpgradeError occurs if the asset.tag field in the device table has No Nulls key in the Database Dictionary when upgrading from SM9.3x.Error no longer occurs if the asset.tag field in the device table has No Nulls key in the Database Dictionary when upgrading from SM9.3x.
QCCR1E139535UpgradeThe system inconsistently displays the upgrade objects building information with the actual behavior during the creating custom upgrade process.The system consistently displays the upgrade objects building information with the actual behavior during the creating custom upgrade process.
QCCR1E139703UpgradeThe system displays the information to increase the field length in detail.log for adding a VARCHAR field in dbdict when upgrading to SM9.5x on a SQL server.The system no longer displays the information to increase the field length in detail.log for adding a VARCHAR field.
QCCR1E139724UpgradeThe except.log file has the information that a unique key cannot be added as a primary key during the upgrade process.The information that a unique key cannot be added as a primary key no longer exists in except.log during the upgrade process.
QCCR1E139741UpgradeThe user condition values in some display options may not be kept after upgrade.The user condition values in some display options are kept after upgrade.
QCCR1E139757UpgradeSome Change categories are not migrated after upgrade to SM9.5x Hybrid.Change categories are all migrated after upgrade to SM9.5x Hybrid.
QCCR1E139789UpgradeWhen opening the upgrade conflict resolve form for a field merge, the value includes the NEW9.5X prefix.When opening the upgrade conflict resolve form for a field merge, the value does not include the NEW9.5X prefix.
QCCR1E145044UpgradeAfter starting the applying custom update wizard, the upgrade process failed with a signal 11 error.The upgrade process proceeds without error.
QCCR1E113541Web ClientIf you resize the width of a column in a view in the Web client, the size of the same column in other views also changes.If you resize the width of a column in a view in the Web client, the size of thesame column in other views remains unchanged.
QCCR1E134327Web ClientAfter you upgrade you webtier to a new version, pages in the web client are displayed incorrectly until the browser cache is cleared.After you upgrade you webtier to a new version, there is no need to clear the browser cache for pages in the web client to be displayed correctly.
QCCR1E137049Web Client

After you type in a Comfill field, and then use the Alt+F9 keyboard shortcut to fill the field at the same time that the auto complete list is in the process of loading data, you receive the following error message:

Field XX not found (display,fdisp.1)

After you type into a Comfill field, and then use the Alt+F9 keyboard shortcut to fill the field at the same time that the auto complete list is in the process of loading data, the field is filled without any errors (or, another page that lists the matched items is displayed, depending on the number of matched items).
QCCR1E137191Web ClientWhen the detail view of an Incident or a Service Desk ticket is displayed in the web client, you are unable to copy the selected text in the Description field on your first attempt. However, you are able to perform this action on the second attempt.Now you can copy the selected text in the Description field on your first attempt.
QCCR1E138166Web ClientIn high contrast mode, the text of the "Download" and "Remove" buttons is not displayed correctly.In high contrast mode, the text of the "Download" and "Remove" buttons is now displayed correctly.
QCCR1E138165Web ClientWhen you access the web client in the accessible mode, the contrast ratio of the icon of a radio button is lower than the minimum requirement of 3:1.The icon has an improved contrast ratio.
QCCR1E138185Web ClientA screen reader reads the tab type before the actual tab name. For example, the Workflow tab is read as "Notebook tab - Workflow". The users with visual impairment may not understand which tab they are currently focusing on.When a screen reader reads the tab name, it reads the actual tab name first. For example, the Workflow tab is read as "Workflow Notebook tab."
QCCR1E138204Web ClientThe color ratio in the loading dialog does not meet the minimum contrast of 3.0:1.The color ratio in the loading dialog now meets a minimum contrast of 3.0: 1.
QCCR1E138228Web ClientAfter your computer is set to a High Contrast theme, the selected item in the drop-down list of a combo box is not displayed completely in the accessible web client.After your computer is set to a High Contrast theme, the selected item in the drop-down list of a combo box is still displayed correctly in the accessible web client.
QCCR1E139911Web ClientEnd user IP is not stored in the syslog table in load balancer environments.

End user IP is now stored in the syslog table in load balancer environments. Follow these steps:

1. Open the file with a text editor.

2. Uncomment the line with the xff.trusted.proxies parameter.

3. Add your trusted proxy IPs to the xff.trusted.proxies parameter.

You can separate multiple IPs by comma. If this value is not empty and the X-Forwarded-For header in the request is notempty, the system will search for the X-Forwarded-For header to find the originalend user IP, removing the matched trusted proxies.

For example, the value "," in the X-Forwarded-For header returns the end user IP as "" in the following configuration: xff.trusted.proxies=,

QCCR1E138654Web ClientYou cannot resize Task boxes to allow the full title of the task to be viewed.You can resize Task boxes to allow the full title of the task to be viewed.
QCCR1E138738Web ClientAutoformat rules in the web client do not work on array fields when the condition value is not the first item in the array.Autoformat rules in the web client work on array fields when the condition value is not the first item in the array now.
QCCR1E138729Web Client

If you drill down to a record from the To Do queue and then reactivate the To Do queue tab, the following JavaScript error is displayed in the browser console:

Unable to get property 'store' of undefined or null reference

You can return to the To-Do list as expected.
QCCR1E138861Web ClientTo enable the new CTI, you have to use the telephonyuser=1 parameter in the URL. This parameter forces the client JVM to start. However, this restart process is redundant and should not be required when using the latest method for configuring CTI.The new parameter enableLegacyTelephony is added in the to control whether to start the legacy telephony applet or not.
QCCR1E139213Web Client

You cannot attach a PDF file to a record, and the following message is displayed:

Error: "File contains illegal content"

The file upload validation code is updated. You can now attach any file that is allowed in the white list.
QCCR1E139358Web ClientWhen you add an object with a base64 format picture into an HTML viewer in a record and then try to open this record in the web client, the record takes along time to open.In this scenario, the record now opens as expected.
QCCR1E139398Web ClientWhen the focus is on the last column header in a record list in Firefox, the focus does not move to the first cell of the first row when you press Tab.Now, when the focus is on the last column header in a record list, the focus moves to the first cell of the first row when you press Tab in any supported browser.
QCCR1E139443Web ClientThe expiry date of cacheFilter in the application-context.xml file is about to be reached.The Expires header is no longer used by the cacheFilter; only the Cache-Control field with the max-age directive is used to control the cache strategy.
QCCR1E139455Web ClientSome static files are not cached on the browser side. These files therefore load slowly.Blank.htm, defaultgraphstyle.xml, and /workflow/mxgraph/** are now configured to be cached on the browser side.
QCCR1E139460Web ClientThe web tier runs slowly when performing some actions in Internet Explorer 11. This issue occurs because Blank.html is not cached.A cache policy for blank.htm is now specified to improve the performance.
QCCR1E139485Web Client

If you upload a file that has Cyrillic or other non-English characters in the filename and a file size greater than 1 MB to the web client when the default attachment size limit is configured, the following error message is displayed in the attachment grid:

"Failed! Such type of file is not allowed as an attachment"

When the default attachment size limit is configured, you can upload any valid file without this error.
QCCR1E139528Web ClientThe system sends you to the Catalog search screen after you select a Catalog Item from Smart Search and then click Submit.This issue no longer exists.
QCCR1E139600Web ClientAfter you upgrade Service Manager web tier from version 9.41 to 9.51, the login screen is not displayed properly. It still displays some elements from 9.41. And after login, the top right corner icons on the main page are not displayed.After you upgrade from an old version of the Service Manager web tier to a new version, each page is now displayed properly.
QCCR1E140561Web ClientYou use Internet Explorer to modify a view for the Interaction queue, on the wizard page for you to choose view fields, if you have more than 20 fields, only 20 fields are displayed in the field table. You can then click either "Show Next50" or "Show All" to show more fields. However, after that if you select a field and click the "Move Field Up" or "Move Field Down" link , the position of the field remains unchanged.Now in this case if you select a field and click the link "Move Field Up" or"Move Field Down", the position of field is changed accordingly.
QCCR1E140611Web ClientWhen you repeatedly open multiple Service Desk interaction records in different tabs and then close them all in Internet Explorer, the Service Manager web client hangs, and you are unable to perform any further operations.The Service Manager web client no longer hangs in this scenario.
QCCR1E140626Web ClientIn the Query-by-Example (QBE) for Incident, the record initially displayed in the detail view is the first row. After you select another record to display in the detail view, if you do mass update for your selected records, the following message is displayed:"Are you sure to update all XXX records?"Now in this case, the next page is displayed with a list of fields shown in a table for you to specify value for mass update.
QCCR1E140658Web ClientIn Internet Explorer, when an ESS user orders an item from the catalog and specifies a quantity greater than 1, the Split Items button is not displayed.Now, the Split Items button is displayed once the user has increased the quantity to a value greater than 1.
QCCR1E140764Web ClientIn a multi-selection table in the detail view, if each cell in the selector column is an image instead of a checkbox, you are unable to make random selections.Now you can make random selections in a table with an image in each cell in the selector column.
QCCR1E140784Web ClientSAML IDM authentication fails if the user's ID is lower case in the directory.SAML IDM authentication works as expected for user IDs that are lower case or mixed case.
QCCR1E140904Web ClientIn the Condition Editor, if you create a condition that uses the "Starts With"operator to match the value of a field with sub-items, the last field is still a Combo box and the entered text is auto-completed when there is a matching item in the combo-box.Now in the Condition Editor, a condition using the "Starts With" operator always provides a text box in which you can enter a value.
QCCR1E140977Web ClientIn a Trusted Sign-On (TSO) environment, if you access the web tier with Internet Explorer 11 and attempt to upload multiple valid files to a ticket, the system displays the following error message in the attachment table for each file: "Failed! The file you are trying to attach is empty. File won't be attached".Now you can upload multiple valid files to a ticket in a TSO environment in Internet Explorer 11 without any error.
QCCR1E141042Web ClientYou create a new workflow with a name that contains some Japanese characters or other non-English characters. If you open this workflow from the rule set used init, the workflow is displayed as blank and there are garbled characters on the Workflow tab. Additionally, you cannot delete the workflow from the workflow list.Such workflow can be displayed correctly. You can also successfully delete the workflow from the workflow list.
QCCR1E141115Web ClientSuppose you have a report of pivot table to count the number of Incidents opened in each Month and you can click each number in the table to drill down to the detail of each Incident. After the date format of your operator record is changed(for example, from the default "mm/dd/yy" to "dd/mm/yy"), you are unable to drill down to the detail page by clicking some certain number links. The system displays a "No Incidents found" message instead.Now after the date format of your operator record is changed, you can drill down to the detail page by any number links in a report of pivot table.
QCCR1E141264Web ClientIn a Service Catalog item, the User Selection Items with visible condition evaluated to false are not displayed in the Preview tab in the web client.The "Content Always Visible" new property is added to the Dynamic Form control in Forms Designer. You can set the value of this property to true in a dynamic form in a preview page. Consequently, all widgets inside the dynamic form are visible in the preview page, despite of the specific visible condition configurations for each widget.
QCCR1E141278Web ClientYou log in to a non-English web client and then open the context action wizard by clicking the third button of the Contact field in an Service Desk record. For the first cell in a row, if you click the text part, it drills down to the overview of a row; but if you click the blank part, it returns to the detail page of the Service Desk record.Now, in non-English web clients, for the first cell in a row, you can click either the text part or the blank part to drill down to the overview of a row.
QCCR1E141392Web ClientIn the web client, if you change the value of a text field for a record in the detail view and immediately click the "Print Page" button in the toolbar, the print preview page does not reflect the value change of the text field.

Now, any field changes in the detail form are reflected in the print view.

Note: The unsaved attachment changes of a record are not reflected in the print view.

QCCR1E141394Web ClientThe Service Manager web tier is deployed to a Tomcat version with fix for CVE-2016-6816. If you use Internet Explorer to access the web client and populate a Comfill with the auto-complete feature in a record, the value of the Comfill is cleared after you save the record.Now, you can save a record with the Comfill value correctly populated by the auto-complete feature in Internet Explorer.
QCCR1E141396Web Client

A change record and one of its planned tasks are displayed on two different tabs. If you move the change to the next phase and then attempt to close the tab of the task, the browser hangs and there is JavaScript error in the browser console:

"cwc-Extjs-All.js:15 Uncaught TypeError:taskPlan.contentWindow.refreshTaskPlanGraph is not a function"

You can successfully close the tab.
QCCR1E141432Web ClientIn the Incident record list, if you move the cursor over a cell that is truncated, a tooltip pops up and shows the complete information in the cell. In a web tier with the viewrecordlist parameter set to false, if you use Internet Explorer 11 to show this tooltip for more than 30 seconds and then drill down to an incident, you cannot highlight, copy, or edit the text in this record.In this case, you can now highlight, copy or edit the text in this record without any errors.
QCCR1E141446Web ClientIf you set the Combo button visible in a Comfil field and assign the Enter key for the Fill operation, you need to press the Enter key twice to perform the Fill operation.Now you only need to press the Enter key once in this condition.
QCCR1E141549Web ClientWhen you order an item from the catalog, the attachment grid in the catalog item is available for attachment downloading. When the attachment grid is empty, the message displayed in the grid is misleading: "You can drag the files to be uploaded to this area."Now when the attachment grid is empty for a catalog item, a "No attachments"message is displayed in the attachment grid.
QCCR1E141618Web ClientThe buttons at the bottom of a record list are cut off in the Employee Self-Service user view.The buttons at the bottom are fully displayed now.
QCCR1E141715Web ClientAfter you select a value from a combo list to add to a field, the selected value is incorrectly displayed.After you select a value from a combo list to add to a field, the selected value is now correctly displayed.
QCCR1E141897Web ClientSome shortcut keys for buttons in the toolbar do not work.The shortcut keys for buttons in the toolbar work properly now.
QCCR1E142292Web ClientYou create a menu item to use "us.launch.external" to access an URL. After you open a dashboard page, while the dashboard tab is active, if you click the menu item, the specified URL is not opened. This occurs on some other pages as well, such as the calendar and workflow list.Now, no matter which tab page is active, the specified URL can always be opened by clicking the menu item using "us.launch.external".
QCCR1E142402Web ClientYou set the "Default Impact" field of a Configuration Item (CI) record to "3 -Multiple Users", then, you create a link from "default.impact" to"initial.impact" in the "incidents" link record. When you create a new interaction, if you use the auto-complete feature to set the Affected Service field to this CI, the "Impact" field is set to "3" instead of "3 - Multiple Users".The auto-complete feature of a Comfill field now assigns the correct value to each target linked field.[Known issues]* This fix does not work for an HTML Editor field.* The target date/time value may be several hours different from that of the source field.
QCCR1E142460Web ClientAfter you roll back a workflow phase to one of its previous phases, the transition line between the two workflow phases is still displayed as a solid line. But after you refresh the page, the line is displayed as a dotted line.Now after you roll back a workflow phase to one of its previous phases, the transition line between the two workflow phases is displayed as a a dotted line.
QCCR1E142523Web ClientIf you open a dashboard, go to the To Do queue tab to drill down to a record, and then reactivate the dashboard tab and the To Do queue tab in turn, the page hangs and the dashboard content is displayed in the To Do queue tab.If you open a dashboard, go to the To Do queue tab to drill down to a record, and then reactivate the dashboard tab and the To Do queue tab in turn, the page and the dashboard content are displayed properly in the To Do queue tab.
QCCR1E142560Web ClientYou have a service catalog item that has a bulleted list and a numbered list in the "Detailed Description" field. If you order this item from catalog in the web client, the bullets and numbers of the lists are missing.The lists are displayed properly.
QCCR1E142658Web ClientWhen the Internet Explorer developer tool is open, if you open the print view of a record list, you receive an error message in the console:"'Ext' is undefined."The JavaScript error does not occur.
QCCR1E142930Web ClientIn the detail view, an ellipsis is displayed in a table cell when the content is too long and hence truncated. However, when you hover the mouse over the ellipsis, no tooltip is displayed.When you hover the mouse over the ellipsis, a tooltip now correctly displays all content in the cell.
QCCR1E143133Web ClientWhen you export data from a record list to a text file, the message is displayed as "XX records exported", but you cannot find the exported file.Now when you export data from a record list to a text file, there is an indication of the exported file at the bottom of the browser upon successful completion of the export.
QCCR1E143306Web ClientCannot enable the Turkish language for the HTML Editor.

Now you can enable the Turkish language for the HTML Editor.

Known issue: If you paste by using the Paste button in the HTML Editor toolbar, the system displays the following warning message:

"Your browser doesn't allow you to paste this way. Press Ctrl+V to paste".

The rootcause is that the "good old Paste dialog" isdropped as of ckeditor 4.7.0 to simplify the pasting process as much as possible.

Refer to for detailed descriptionof this issue.

QCCR1E143517Web ClientSuppose a form contains a combo box that is not Select Only and has a read-only condition. After the form is displayed in the detail view of a record in Internet Explorer, if you set a value to this combo box and then clear it, when this combobox is dynamically set to read-only sometime later and the record is then saved, the value of the combo box is restored.The value of the combo box remains empty in this case.
QCCR1E143501Web ClientThe active phase in a workflow diagram is highlighted only with a specific color, which is not accessible by the visually impaired customers.Now the active phase in a workflow diagram is highlighted with a specific color as well as a special font style for the phase name and a strengthened border width for the phase diagram, which is easily accessible by the visually impaired customers.
QCCR1E143573Web ClientThe contrast ratio for the image of the popup subform indicator is too low and cannot meet the minimum requirement of 3:1.The contrast ratio for the image of the popup subform indicator is improved and can meet the minimum requirement of 3:1.
QCCR1E143769Web ClientSuppose you have a form with two controls that share the same input value, one is an editable control with the property "Array Length" set to a number greater than 1, the other is a read-only text area. If you design the form and place the read-only text area on the right side and under the editable control, the value change of the editable control cannot be saved when the form is displayed in the web client.Now in this case, you can change and save the value of the editable control successfully.
QCCR1E143780Web ClientIn the web client, if you open a record list by the fill function and sort on any column header, the record list is not sorted.In the web client, if you open a record list by the fill function and sort on any column header, the record list can be sorted.
QCCR1E144078Web ClientIf you click either the Show Next 50 or Show All button in a table to display the additional rows of Configuration Items, the system displays the logical name instead of the display name in Internet Explorer.Now, if you click either the Show Next 50 or Show All button in a table to display the additional rows of Configuration Items, the system displays a meaningful display name.
QCCR1E144329Web ClientIf a record list has a large number of columns and rows, sometimes the JSON object is displayed in plain text instead of a grid after you sort a column.Now the system always displays the JSON object in the form of a grid after you sort a column in a record list, .
QCCR1E144512Web ClientThe Description field in the Edit Workflow Properties tab is emptied every time when you open a workflow.The Description field in the Edit Workflow Properties tab can be displayed normally.
QCCR1E144844Web ClientAn ESS user receives a login prompt and an HTTP 401 error when accessing in web client.An ESS user now receives the "Access Denied" error when accessing in web client.
QCCR1E145071Web ClientDynamic View Dependencies (DVD) conditions based on the value of a read-only combo box may not be evaluated correctly if it has duplicate display values.Dynamic View Dependencies (DVD) conditions based on the value of a read-only combo box can be evaluated correctly even if it has duplicate display values.
QCCR1E145227Web ClientThe system displays a hardcoded tooltip string "About Service Manager" when you hover the mouse over the Service Manager logo.The system displays a localized tooltip string "About Service Manager" when you hover the mouse over the Service Manager logo.
QCCR1E145433Web ClientWhen using the new Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) that is based on the native HTML and JavaScript, sending a ReceiveInteraction event does not display the Create New Interaction tab as expected in the web client in Internet Explorer.Now in this case, sending a ReceiveInteraction event displays the Create New Interaction tab as expected.
QCCR1E145467Web ClientThe validation of a subform on a virtual join field does not work in web client.The validation of a subform on a virtual join field is now working in web client.
QCCR1E145830Web ClientThe arial-label of the Close button in the Shortcut page is hardcoded.The arial-label of the Close button in the Shortcut page is compatible to localization now.
QCCR1E145831Web ClientCannot activate the Close button by pressing the Space bar in the shortcut list page.Now you can activate the Close button by pressing the Space bar in the shortcut list page.
QCCR1E145988Web ClientIf Lightweight Single Sign-On (LW-SSO) is enabled in the Service Manager web tier, the system performs case-sensitive checks on the user names. This behavior is inconsistent with that in the server.Now in this case, the system no longer performs case-sensitive checks on the user names.
QCCR1E139356Windows ClientIt takes a long time to display the content of an HTML Viewer control that contains many links or images. This issue occurs in both the Windows client and the web client.The system displays the content of an HTML Viewer control promptly in both the Windows client and the web client, even if this HTML Viewer control contains many links or images.
QCCR1E139509Windows ClientThe system displays a border around an HTML Viewer in the web client, even if you set the Frame border property to 0.If you set the Frame border property of an HTML Viewer to 0, no border is displayed around it in the web client.
QCCR1E139521Windows ClientWhen you open a Change, enter an invalid CI number in the first row of the Affected CI field, and then try to save the change, an error message is displayed. If you then enter an invalid CI number in the second row and try to save it, the value in the first row is removed.The invalid CI number in the first row is no longer removed, as all CI items are sent to the backend server.
QCCR1E143298Windows ClientJavaScript error occurs when you print the detail page of a record in the Windows client.The error no longer occurs.
QCCR1E139581MobilityCannot type key words into the search text box on the "Search Knowledge" page which is accessed through a mobility ESS client using Andriod OS. Now users can tap into the text box to type key words in the "Search Knowledge" page with any supported mobile operating system.
QCCR1E138698SRCWhen you search for localized items in the SRC portal, incorrectly formatted results are returned. This behavior does not occur with English names.The SRC search function now works normally as expected.
QCCR1E138795SRCWhen users add a bundle that includes multiple instances of the same catalog items to the shopping cart, set different field values for each catalog item, and then refresh the browser, the field values of the other cart items are overwritten with those of the first cart item.All of the cart items retain their original field values after users refresh the browser.
QCCR1E139416SRCWhen you add a bundle that includes multiple instances of the same optional catalog items to the shopping cart, set different values for each optional catalog item, and then refresh the browser, the optional items all have the same value.All the cart items retain their original field values after you refresh the browser.
QCCR1E139759SRCIf you add an item to the shopping cart and then refresh the browser, its user option value may be cleared out.Now the item option in cart will not be cleared after you refresh the browser.
QCCR1E139800SRCIn Service Request Catalog, an operator belonging to a group cannot approve or deny a request on his/her own behalf only.Now the request can be approved separately by the operator and the group.
QCCR1E142155SRCThe survey questions and answers in Service Request Catalog (SRC) do not show upin the right language when you log onto SRC in Single Sign-On mode.Now the survey questions and answers are displayed in the expected language.
QCCR1E142430SRCPending Approvals count is not displayed correctly in Service Request Catalog.

Pending Approvals count is displayed correctly in Service Request Catalog.


If your approval type is "One must approve", you must clear disable aggregate approval from the Service Manager server.

Steps to disable aggregate approval:

  1. From the command line, type db and then press Enter. The Database Manager page opens.
  2. In the Form field, type Object. The Object Definition form opens.
  3. In the File Name field, type incidents.
  4. Switch to the Approvals tab, and then clear the Aggregate Approvals option.
  5. Click Save.
QCCR1E142604SRCRetrieving KM Documents via Service Request Catalog API does not increase the view count of KM Usage Statistics table.Now, retrieving KM Documents via Service Request Catalog API increases the view count of KM Usage Statistics table.
QCCR1E142915SRCAn optional item without any user selection in a bundle is hidden when you request the bundle from Service Request Catalog.The optional item is shown.
QCCR1E145107SRCWhen users submit Service Portal catalog item requests with escaped XML characters using the multiple selection option, the XML is not handled and is missing from the record svcCartItem in Service Manager.When users submit Service Portal catalog item requests with escaped XML characters using the multiple selection option, the XML is handled correctly.
QCCR1E145558SRCThe string "Legal Notices" is not displayed right-to-left correctly on Service Request Catalog in AR locale.The string is displayed correctly.
QCCR1E145540SRCThe copyright statement is in English for all localized languages.Updated some languages' translation as appropriate.
QCCR1E139178Service PortalThe message "Files up to 20 MB are allowed" is not clear.The message is changed to "Single file up to 20 MB is allowed."
QCCR1E141162Service PortalCatalog items are published but not available to users.Idm can handle LDAP names containing special characters so that privileges on catalog items are set correctly.
QCCR1E141365Service PortalIn certain languages, the universal search does not work when you search with a string in these languages.The universal search can now work with text in these languages.
QCCR1E144881Service PortalThe title for "Select Time" in the Date/Time dialog is hardcoded in Service Portal.The title for "Select Time" in the Date/Time dialog is localized in Service Portal.
QCCR1E145113Service PortalUnexpected errors and fetching services issues may occur randomly when user logs in using IE in safe mode.The errors no longer occurs.
QCCR1E145112Service PortalService Portal stops responding after you log out and log in multiple times in the same browser.This issue no longer occurs.
QCCR1E145109Service PortalService Portal cannot show more than 4 lines in a MultiText field from User Selections and cannot magnify the field.Default row numbers are set to 6 for the text area. With this change, the scroll bar with a handler can be shown in IE.
QCCR1D244218Service PortalCustomer has seen intermittent failures (Support and Service Requests) when submitting requests in Service Portal. These failures for some reason are not retried and stays in failed state.Add the requests are retried when NoHttpResponseException is caught.
QCCR1D244215Service PortalBasic users may easily bypass approvals.Error message will be displayed when the user tries to bypass approvals.
QCCR1D244271Service PortalOnly 10 Data Sources are available when a user designs an Offering's form.The data sources are dynamically loaded when the user scrolls down in the data source list. Now the user can see all data sources in the system.
QCCR1D244270Service Portal

Approval chain gets broken after ActivitException error.


BPM - Intermittent ActivitException: Error while sending signal for eventsubscription '25910': no activity associated with event subscription

If the approval request is updated by BPM, Service Portal does not send sync back to BPM. Therefore, the second sync that may cause race condition is prevented and the error no longer occurs.
QCCR1D244264Service PortalKnowledge search order relevancy is incorrect.Correct order relevancy is used when searing knowledge articles.
QCCR1D244263Service PortalAttachments from knowledge articles in Service Portal cannot be opened or downloaded.This issue no longer occurs.
QCCR1D244262Service PortalService Manager User Option queries that contain " + " will fail in Service Portal.Service Manager User Option queries that contain " + " work well now.
QCCR1D244260Service PortalWhen you use an existing order to create a new order, the start date may be that of the original order rather than the day it was submitted. In addition, the subscription would end on the same day as the originally order day if it is not edited while in the cart.When you re-order, the start date of the subscription will be updated to the current day, and the end date will be re-calculated starting from the current day.
QCCR1D244259Service PortalThe order status of an order is changed to Failed after a subscription is cancelled.There was no "CANCELLED" order status. Now "CANCELLED", "DENIED","PARTIALLY_COMPLETED" are added.
QCCR1D244255Service PortalBundles fail when variables are used in user options.Bundles no longer fail.
QCCR1D244254Service PortalWhen you try to access Business Processes, as soon as you click the Business Processes button GUI, it starts to clock and nothing is loaded and it only says"Loading".Remove the endless loop when deleting obsolete BPM process instance.
QCCR1D244253Service PortalThe knowledge icons are not displayed in Internet Explorer 11.This defect is fixed by updating a JS file.
QCCR1D244245Service PortalMigration script used to migrate data from single node to HA environment is missing.The script is added.
QCCR1D244244Service PortalWith the BPM Native Service Portal approval functionality, when a request is denied, if the user adds a comment to PR, Service Portal creates the ticket in the supplier system and the ticket goes through the normal resolution process.When a request is denied by Service Portal native approval without a ticket being created in the supplier system, the newly added comments or attachments to the denied request will not trigger a new ticket in the supplier system. When a request is denied by an existing ticket in the external supplier system, the newly added comments or attachments to the denied request will be synchronized to the corresponding ticket in the supplier system.
QCCR1D244243Service PortalPressing Enter automatically selects the first suggestion for searching, instead of the term entered by the user.Now the first suggestion will not be automatically selected and used for search when pressing Enter.
QCCR1E137547Service PortalOld task occurs too many times and does not have any output during the installation.The task "Update everything" is removed.
QCCR1E138207Service PortalYou cannot submit the support ticket for a localized item.You can successfully submit the support ticket for a localized item.
QCCR1E145256Service PortalAfter you order an item with the Multiple Selections user option, the external approval will fail.The external approval does not fail.

You cannot log on to the web client if the web client package is deployed on a supported Linux server. Additionally, the following error message is saved to the log file:

class ""'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package

There is no error message and the web client works as expected.
QCCR1E69984DocumentationDocumentation is unclear regarding usage of the *SYSDEFAULTS record. It does not state that this record is mandatory. It would be useful to make the relationship between the templates more clear. For example, the Employee Self Service (ESS) access can only be picked up from the sysdefaults template, not the template operator. In addition, the order of the documentation regarding templates adds to the confusion, because sysdefaults is only touched on at the end of the template section.The following text is added to the document: "The ess access can only be picked up from the *SYSDEFAULTS template, not the template operator specified in the system information record. "In addition, the sections are reordered to avoid confusion.
QCCR1E101258DocumentationThe following menu item is not documented: Tailoring > Web Services > Date Modification Event.A section named "Data Modification Event" is added to Service Manager Help Center> Use > Configuration Management > Configuration Management workflows and user tasks > Set the expected state of a configuration item.
QCCR1E139592DocumentationNeed detailed description and examples for the sqltextdateformat SQL parameter.The documentation now provides clearer description for the sqltextdateformat SQL parameter, stating that the sqltextdateformat parameter only affects special field types in Service Manager.
QCCR1E139681DocumentationThe documentation does not provide a clear description for the dynamic function Select statement.The documentation now provides a clearer description for the dynamic function Select statement.
QCCR1E139815DocumentationThe description of the sqldictrecord parameter in help center is not clear.The sqldictrecord parameter is now removed from the help center because using this legacy parameter is no longer recommended.
QCCR1E139810DocumentationIn the Service Manager Upgrade Guide, a tip should be provided to prevent the customers from ending or cancelling their upgrade process when this process seems to be stopped or hungAdded a tip to the Troubleshooting section of the Service Manager Upgrade Guide.
QCCR1E141010DocumentationThe validity of the "reportdbstats" and "dbstats" parameters are not verified in Service Manager 9.41 and later versions.The "reportdbstats" parameter is obsolete. The "dbstats" parameter still works. It is recommended to set dbstats:2 in the sm.ini file to display the statistics better.
QCCR1E141299DocumentationThere are no detailed step-by-step instructions for users to implement custom REST client for Service Manager using Trusted Sign-On authentication.Added documentation for adding "Pragma: TrustedSignOn" HTTP header to support custom RESTful clients
QCCR1E141298DocumentationThe SM Help Center documentation indicates that LW-SSO is a supported authentication for custom RESTful clients. This is not accurate and so the Help Center Documentation must be fixed to remove such references.LW-SSO is removed from the list of supported authentications in the Help Center.
QCCR1E141290DocumentationUnable to connect to Smart Analytics based on the descriptions in the Smart Analytics installation section.Updated the documentation and provided a clearer description.
QCCR1E141666DocumentationThe information that RAD sysinfo.get("Telephony") function is obsolete should be documented in Service Manager help centerAdded this information to Service Manager Help Center.
QCCR1E145272DocumentationThe description for restarting Smart Analytics connectors needs to be adjusted. It is the service that should be restarted. For example, "restart your SharePoint server" should be "restart your SharePoint connector service".The document has been updated to reflect that the service should be restarted, not the server.
QCCR1E145373DocumentationThe IR Expert spelling correction feature has been deprecated and should be removed from the online help.The following topics are removed from the online help:Spelling correction-Operations on terms
QCCR1E139582LocalizationIn Service Manager 9.51 Japanese Language Pack, the Phase field for interaction workflow contains same value for both "Closure" and "Closed" phase.The translation for "Closure" and "Closed" is different now.
QCCR1E139811LocalizationIn the Italian version of Service Manager, some key words have been translated even though in a technical environment the correct word is the English one. The used Italian words are not appropriate for a Technical environment.Italian translation has been updated as per the request.
QCCR1E142477LocalizationThe contents of columns "Phase" and "Category" of the task table are not translated in change format. All columns of change task table are translated in change format.



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