Evaluate change handling

Part of Workflow(s):

Change evaluation and closure (ST 2.6)

Applies to User Roles:

Change Manager

After a change implementation is complete, the change advances to the Change Evaluation and Closure phase. You must verify that the change was handled correctly and that the administration of the change is complete. After evaluating the change handling and determining that the information in the record is complete, you can close the change.

To evaluate change handling, follow these steps:

  1. Click Change Management > Search Changes.
  2. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.
  3. Select a record to view its details.
  4. Open the Related Records section and then open each related record to review and verify that each record is correct.
  5. Open the Activities section to enter any relevant implementation and process remarks.
  6. In the Change Details section, select the applicable closure code from the list and type a comment in the Closure Comments field.
  7. Make any other necessary updates in the record.
  8. Click Save & Exit.

Close a change
Generate a list of closed changes for review
Example: Search for a record