View Category Details


Categories are used to group catalog items within a catalog.



To view the details of a category:

  1. From the Launchpad, click the Categories application. The Categories view is displayed.

    Tip To filter the list of categories that are displayed, type the search criteria. Only the categories that meet the search criteria are displayed.

  2. Optional: To navigate through all of the subcategories within a category, expand the categories (left area). This is useful to identify unnecessary subcategories, such as duplicates due to alphabetic case differences.
  3. Optional: Click on the parent category in the expanded category hierarchy (left area).
  4. To view the details of a category, click the category in the main list.

    The details of the category are displayed, including Name, Description, and Parent Category properties.

    The category hierarchy is displayed at the top of the page. Click one of the other categories to see its details.


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