Schedule Records

Service Manager uses the problem schedule process to manage the synchronization of company IDs to your UCMDB system. You can manually enable the problem schedule process from the System Status form.

When the synchronization criteria are met as described in Table Conditions where Service Manager synchronizes company ID with UCMDB, Service Manager creates a “Synch Company with UCMDB - <UCMDB Company ID>” schedule record (for example, “Synch Company with UCMDB - 1234567890”). If you inactivate a company, Service Manager creates an “Inactivate Company with UCMDB - <UCMDB Company ID>” schedule record (for example, “Inactivate Company with UCMDB - 1234567890”). The problem schedule process processes the new schedule record on the next background process iteration.

If your Service Manager system cannot connect to your UCMDB system for some reason, it will reschedule the company synchronization at the next scheduled interval (the out-of-the-box interval is 5 minutes). The problem schedule process updates the schedule record with the status rescheduled. If the Service Manager system receives any other error message while connecting to the UCMDB system, it updates the schedule record with the status “application failed due to error - check msglog for possible messages.”