Web tier parameters

Web parameters change the behavior of the web clients that connect to the web tier. You can set these parameters from the web tier configuration file web.xml or webtier.properties, and override some of these parameters (connection-specific parameters) from the web client login URL.

You can set web tier parameters from the following files:

  • The web.xml and webtier.properties files that are provided under the <web tier>/WEB-INF folder when you deploy the Service Manager web tier.
  • The custom webtier.properties file under the <customize-folder>/config folder which you defined using the customize-folder parameter.

To configure the customize-folder parameter, see Web parameter: customize-folder.

Override precedence

Except the customize-folder context parameter, you can define all other context parameters of the Web application and initialization parameters of Servlets from both the web.xml file and the webtier.properties files. The parameters configured in these files take precedence in the following order:

  • Custom webtier.properties located in the <customize-folder>/config folder
  • Default webtier.properties located in the <web tier>/WEB-INF folder
  • Web.xml located in the <web tier>/WEB-INF folder

Parameters with higher precedence override parameters with lower precedence.

As parameters defined in custom webtier.properties (<customize-folder>/config/webtier.properties) take the highest precedence, the customize-folder parameter itself cannot be overridden.

Note It is recommended that you configure these parameters in the custom webtier.properties file for the ease of future webtier upgrade.

Naming convention for parameters in webtier.properties

The context parameters of the Web application and initialization parameters of the HP Service Manager Web servlet keep their names unchanged. Names for initialization parameters of other servlets should conform to the format of <servlet name>.<init-param-name>. For example:

  • The name of the jsDebug context parameter in web.xml should be jsDebug in webtier.properties.
  • The name of the serverHost initialization parameter of the HP Service Manager Web servlet should be serverHost in webtier.properties.
  • The name of the disableCompression initialization parameter of the FileDownload servlet should be FileDownload.disableCompression parameter in webtier.properties.

Setting web tier parameters in webtier.properties

When you enter parameters into the webtier.properties file, make sure you configure the parameters in the format of <parameter name>=<parameter value>. For example, the following code sets the rememberLang parameter to true:


Setting web tier parameters in web.xml

When you enter parameters into the web.xml file, ensure that the values you enter conform to valid XML standards.

Note All init-param tags must be children of the <servlet> tag and must use the following syntax:


To ensure that your web application server uses the new settings, restart your web application server whenever you make changes to the web.xml or the webtier.properties file.

Setting web tier parameters from the web browser URL

You can provide connection-specific web tier parameters in the web browser URL. These parameters override the values that are set in web.xml or webtier.properties. For example, the following URL changes the connection to host "mycompany" on port 13082 for this client session:


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System configuration parameters
System parameters

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Client parameters for web clients