Administer > System configuration parameters > Debugging parameters

Debugging parameters

The following table lists the startup parameters that you can set from the Service Manager server's operating system command prompt or from the Service Manager initialization file (sm.ini).

These parameters determine how the Service Manager server manages the debugging environment.

Startup parameter Description
Parameter: corepath Defines the path to the core file generated by a system crash
Parameter: dbmonitorfiles Causes the Service Manager server to monitor the table you specify and write database information in the log file
Parameter: dbstats Causes the Service Manager server to gather database usage statistics
Parameter: dbtriggertrace Causes the Service Manager server to monitor the tables you specify and to write the indicated level of trigger information to the log file
Parameter: debugattachments Causes the Service Manager server to write detailed attachment information to the log file
Parameter: debugadhocsql Enables adhocsql debugging messages.
Parameter: debugca Causes the Service Manager server to write cache information at the indicated logging level to the log file
Parameter: debugdbquery Causes the Service Manager server to write database queries, timings, and results information to the log file
Parameter: debugdbtypes Causes the Service Manager server to perform data type checking during SQL mapping
Parameter: debugdiagnostics Enables or disables the Diagnostic Service
Parameter: debugfileio Causes the Service Manager server to write detailed debugging information about file input and output to the log file
Parameter: debughttp Causes the Service Manager server to write HTTP SOAP requests and responses to the log file
Parameter: debugjni Provides detailed debugging in the Java Native Interface implementation.
Parameter: debugjavascript Causes the Service Manager server to write JavaScrip debugging messages to the log file
Parameter: debuglk Causes the Service Manager server to write detailed debugging messages about locks to the log file
Parameter: debugnode Enables a servlet container process to join a Service Manager virtual group without the load balancer process assigning any client requests to the servlet container.
Parameter: debugprocesses Causes the Service Manager server to write process creation and termination messages to the log file
Parameter: debugrest Enables the Service Manager server to write detailed log trace to the server log for RESTful web services diagnostics
Parameter: debugrs Causes the Service Manager server to write detailed messages about resource locks to the log file
Parameter: debugscauto Causes the Service Manager server to write detailed messages about SCAuto connections to the log file
Parameter: debugshutdown Causes the Service Manager server to write shutdown messages to the log file
Parameter: debugstartup Causes the Service Manager server to write start up messages to the log file
Parameter: dryrun Enables the Service Manager administrators to run a load test script or test case to assess the usage of shared memory and process memory for a typical user
Parameter: log4jDebug Defines the location of the log file that is used for java debugging
Parameter: log4jError Specifies a list of comma-delimited packages to set the log level to Error.
Parameter: logdebuglevel Defines the log level of the JRTE codes.
Parameter: memusagereportgranularity Specifies the memory granularity (in megabytes) when the Service Manager server reports detailed memory usage of a single server thread
Parameter: ir_trace Causes the Service Manager server to write Information Retrieval (IR) messages to the log file
Parameter: rtm Causes the Service Manager server to write Response Time Monitor (RTM) performance statistics to the log file
Parameter: enablecoredump Enables Service Manager to log any information generated by a system crash
Parameter: debugvmmap Causes the Service Manager server to print a map of the virtual memory should the server fail to attach to shared memory
Parameter: tracememerror Enables the Service Manager to print memory trace information and generate coredump when the memory is handled incorrectly
Parameter: utallocmode Enables the Service Manager server to log the memory allocation details for each server thread

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