Alert parameters

The following table lists the startup parameters that you can set from the Service Manager server's operating system command prompt or from the Service Manager initialization file (sm.ini).

These parameters determine how the server handles alert messages.

Startup parameter Description
Startup parameter: alertcpulimit Defines the number of standard deviations from the mean CPU usage that cause the Service Manager server to issue an alert message
Startup parameter: alertfilters Defines the names of alerts that you want the Service Manager server to filter out of alert messages
Startup parameter: alerthitratio Defines the percentage of records inspected to records selected that cause the Service Manager server issues an alert message
Startup parameter: alertholdlimit Defines the number of milliseconds that a process can hold a lock on a system resource before the Service Manager server issues an alert message
Startup parameter: alertirqueuelimit Defines the number of records remaining in the Service Manager Information Retrieval (IR) queue that cause the Service Manager server to issue an alert message
Startup parameter: alertquerylimit Defines the number of milliseconds that a query can run before the Service Manager server issues an alert message
Startup parameter: alertvirtuallimit Defines the number of kilobytes of virtual memory used that cause the Service Manager server to issue an alert message
Startup parameter: alertwaitlimit Defines the number of milliseconds that a process can wait for a system resource before the Service Manager server issues an alert message

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