Use > Problem Management > Problem Management Configuration > Create a problem category

Create a Problem Category

User Roles: System Administrator

If you are a Service Manager Administrator, you may want to create a problem category. To do this, you can modify an existing category record, or you can create a new category record. Service Manager provides out-of-box category records that you can use or modify.

Note When a category is set as the default category in settings, do not delete it to avoid unpredictable issues.

To create a new problem category record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Problem Management.
  2. Click Configuration > Problem Categories.
  3. In the menu of the Problem Category pane, click New.
  4. Type the name of the problem category.
  5. Clear the Active check box if you do not want the new category to appear in the category list. If the Active check box is cleared, the new category is not available when you create a new record.
  6. Type a description of the problem category.
  7. Select a workflow for the category.
    The Workflow tab is displayed.
  8. Click Save.
    The Subcategories tab is displayed.
  9. Optional: Click the Subcategories tab to create subcategories for the problem category. When you have finished, click Save.

Note The Apply To flag indicates whether the category is shared across different modules.

For example, if the Apply To is set to "Interaction/Incident", then this category will be created in both the interaction category table and the incident category table.

Typical shared categories in OOB include Complaint, Request for Information, Incident, and Request for Administration.

For the Apply To flag in Problem Category:

When creating a problem category, the Apply To option is predefined as "Problem" only and cannot be modified. However, an problem category can also be created when creating an interaction category with the Apply To option set as "Interaction/Incident/Problem".

When searching for a problem category, all the Apply To values that include Problem can be used.

The following list is used in Problem Category:

2 - Problem

4 - Interaction/Incident/Problem

Note Problem category name is read-only after the category is created.