Respond to a Survey

When a survey is sent to you, you receive an email notification with a link to the survey. You can click the link to respond to the survey. Alternatively, you can directly locate the survey from the Service Manager Service Portal user interface and respond to it.

To respond to a survey from an email notification, follow these steps:

  1. Click the survey link provided in the email notification.

    If you are already logged in to Service Manager Service Portal with your default web browser, the survey record opens directly; otherwise a login page is displayed.

  2. If a login page is displayed, log in to Service Manager Service Portal. The survey record opens.

    Note If you see an error page with an empty list, you are not yet granted the RESTful API capability in Service Manager. Contact your Service Manager system administrator for help.

  3. Answer the questions.

  4. (Optional) Click Register a compliment or Register a complaint. If you select either option, Service Manager will automatically create an interaction record that has a category of Compliment or Complaint and send you another email with the record details after you submit the survey. At the same time, Service Manager Service Portal creates a support ticket with the details synchronized from Service Manager.

    By default, the No interaction registration option is selected.

  5. Click Submit. A confirmation dialog appears.
  6. Click Continue to confirm that you want to submit the survey.

    A message is displayed, indicating that your survey has been submitted successfully.

    Note After the survey is submitted, it appears on the Closed Surveys tab. You can click the survey to view its details. If you selected to register a complaint or compliment, you may find that the Register a compliment or Register a complaint option is in unselected state. This happens only when the interaction is not created yet. You need to wait for a while to allow the interaction to be created, and then refresh your browser.

  7. Click Back to Surveys to return to your survey list.

To respond to a survey from the user interface, follow these steps:

  1. Open your survey list. For details, see View My Surveys.
  2. Click the Open Surveys tab, and locate the survey to which you want to respond.
  3. Double-click the survey to open the survey details.
  4. Answer the questions and submit the survey, as described previously.

  5. Click Back to Surveys to return to your survey list.