Sequential numbers

Sequential numbers refer to the sequential identifiers assigned to the records of a dbdict, such as an interaction or incident number. Sequential numbers are controlled by the numbers or counters dbdict.

Call the system language function named rtecall(“getnumber”) to increase and update the last number in these dbdicts and get the number returned.

Both the numbers and counters dbdicts contain a batch size setting, which allows the Service Manager Server to reduce the number of SELECT and UPDATE operations on these dbdicts. The mechanism is that a servlet does not request one sequential number, but a batch of sequential numbers. It then assigns the numbers in this batch to any request for a number by its sessions and accesses the sequential number dbdict only when all numbers have been assigned. This mechanism allows high-frequency assignment of numbers without a huge load at the RDBMS side.

Note When using the batch size feature, a number being requested is not necessarily larger than a number requested before by another servlet. Additionally, when a servlet is terminated, unassigned numbers in its current batch will not be assigned anymore.

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Service Manager maintenance tasks

Knowledge required for system maintenance

Reset sequential numbers

Define a batch size for sequential number records