toupper() and tolower()

The totoupper() and tolower() functions convert the given parameter to upper or lower case as appropriate.

Example of the toupper() Function Translation
Service Manager function Translated SQL equivalent:
select ps.number, ps.title from probsummary ps where toupper(”FALCON”
select t01.”NUMBER”, t01.”TITLE” from PROBSUMMARYM1 t01 where UPPER(t01.”OPENED_BY”) = ‘FALCON’

The parameter can only be a field name or an expression that can be evaluated beforehand; It cannot be an expression that cannot be evaluated before translation into SQL:

The following cases are valid:

toupper ( ps.category )   //where “category” is a field from file “probsummary”
tolower ( $L.var )    //where $L.var is a local variable defined beforehand.
The following cases are invalid:
tolower ( ps.title + ps.brief )
toupper ( ps.title + $L.var )