Administer > Database administration > Data persistence > Running the database maintenance utility > Run the database maintenance utility in background (batch) on Windows

Run the database maintenance utility in the background (batch) on Windows

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To start the database maintenance utility in the background, you must first create an input file that contains the commands that are normally entered using the keyboard.

By default, the database maintenance utility executable is located in the \ Service Manager\Server\RUN directory.

To run the database maintenance utility in background (batch) on Windows:

  1. Prepare the input file for the utilities you want to run.
  2. Shut down the Service Manager server. This will also terminate any active client sessions.
  3. Open a DOS Command prompt or the Windows Run dialog box.
  4. Navigate to the \ Service Manager\Server\RUN directory and type the following command:sm -util < >filename.out
    Where the variable is the name of the input file prepared and the filename.out variable is the name of the file containing the output.
  5. Check the output. If you receive error messages, contact Customer Support for assistance.

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Running the database maintenance utility

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