Develop > Programming > System Language reference > List: RAD routines > RAD routine: validate.fields

RAD routine: validate.fields

A RAD routine used to validate fields in a form.




The following parameters are valid for the validate.fields routine:

Name Data type Required Description
name character No Names the field in the current form to validate, such as To name the field in which the cursor was last located when an add or update was performed, use the RAD function .
names array (of characters) No Name of the array in the current form containing the field names to validate. The line of the array to validate must be defined in the Initializations process.
second.file record Yes The data record in which the field is being validated. The value of this parameter must be $file.
cond.input Boolean No The required value of the field defined by the val() parameter . For example, to validate a Boolean field to true, use the value val("true", 4). When set to true, the value can be looked up online. This means a list of valid values is presented for selection.