Administer > Configuring installation and setup options > Server implementation options > Hardware load balancers > Common F5 hardware load balancer deployments > Access Service Manager on a web service client through an F5 HWLB in Full SSL mode

Access Service Manager on a web service client through an F5 HWLB in Full SSL mode

This section describes how to access Service Manager on a web service client through an F5 HWLB in Full SSL mode.


Before you begin this process, verify that the following conditions are true:

Step 1: Modify the sm.ini file

Configure the sm.ini file as follows:


Step 2: Create a new project in SoapUI

To create a new project in SoapUI, follow these steps:

  1. Start the SoapUI tool and click New project.
  2. Type a name for the project in the Project Name field.
  3. In the Initial WSDL/WADL field, type http://<HWLB virtual server IP>:13080/SM/7/ChangeManagement.wsdl.
  4. Click to select the Create Requests option, and then click OK.
  5. Right-click RetrieveChangeList and select New request.
  6. Type a name for the request.
  7. Click File > Preference > SSL Settings.
  8. Navigate to the <client FQDN>.keystore file.

  9. Type clientkeystore as the password, and then click OK.

  10. Modify the request as follows:

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
    <ns:RetrieveChangeListRequest attachmentInfo="?" attachmentData="?" ignoreEmptyElements="true" count="2" start="0">
    <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
    <ns:keys query="planned.start=NULL">
  11. Click Authenticate.
  12. Type falcon as the user name.

  13. Replace http in the URL with https. For example, set the following URL:

    https://<FQDN of the HWLB virtual server>:<Port of HWLB virtual server>/SM/7/ws.

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Access Service Manager through an F5 HWLB in Full SSL mode

Access Service Manager on a Windows client through an F5 HWLB in Full SSL mode

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