Administer > Configuring installation and setup options > Servlet implementation > Managing multiple servlet container processes > Shut down all servlet container processes in a servlet implementation

Shut down all servlet container processes in a servlet implementation

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You must have administrative access to the server operating system to use this procedure.

To shut down all servlet container processes in a servlet implementation:

  1. Open the server's operating system command line prompt.
    For example, to open the Windows command prompt:
    Click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
  2. Change directories to the RUN folder of your Service Manager installation. For example:
    cd C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ Service Manager\server\RUN
  3. Type the following command:
    sm -shutdown -group
  4. Press Enter.
    The server shuts down all the servlet container processes in the virtual group.

Related topics

Managing multiple servlet container processes
Servlet implementation
Servlet implementation processes

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Parameter: group
Startup parameter: shutdown