Stop the server from the UNIX command line

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You must have administrative access to the server operating system to use this procedure.

To stop the server from the UNIX command line:

Note: This procedure stops the server without displaying any warnings to currently connected users. If you want to broadcast a warning message before stopping the server, use one of the shutdown options available from the Service Manager clients.

  1. Change directories to your Service Manager Run directory. For example:
    cd /MicroFocus/Service Manager x.xx/Run
  2. Type one of the following commands:

    Immediately stops the Service Manager server and all related processes.
    Used in a horizontally-scaled environment. Immediately stops the Service Manager server and all related processes, including Service Manager processes on remote hosts in the same group.
    smstopThe script attempts to do a normal shutdown of the Service Manager system and, if successful, stops any remaining Service Manager processes and cleans up IPC resources.

    Note: The scdb.system record in the info table acts as a Service Manager database lock, preventing multiple Service Manager groups from connecting to the same database. This record will only be removed during normal shutdown and when there are no more Service Manager processes connecting to that database. In a vertically-scaled environment, normal shutdown during sm -shutdown, smstop, or smstop -f removes this record. In a horizontally-scaled environment, only a normal shutdown (sm -shutdown -group) shuts down the whole group.

    smstop -dThe script runs the shutdown script in debug mode. The system produces verbose output messages in debug mode.
    smstop -fThe script forces a shutdown of the Service Manager system if the normal shutdown process fails. By default, the script will wait for up to ten minutes for the normal shutdown process to complete. To change the wait time, you can set the SMSTOP_WAIT environment variable with the number of seconds you want the script to wait for the completion of the normal shutdown process (the default value is 600 seconds). For example, to change the wait time to 15 minutes, you can use the following command:
    SMSTOP_WAIT=900 smstop -f
    smstop -F

    The script immediately forces a shutdown of the Service Manager system, bypassing the normal shutdown process.

    Caution: Forcing a system shutdown can result in file corruption if there is file regeneration in progress at the time of the shutdown. We recommend using the Service Manager status and system.monitor functions to determine if there are any active processes running prior to forcing a system shutdown.

    smstop -hDisplays help information for the smstop script.
    smstop -qRuns the shutdown script in quiet mode. The system does not produce output messages in quiet mode.

  3. Press ENTER.

Related topics

Server shutdown
Startup and shutdown
Starting Service Manager on UNIX
Stopping Service Manager on UNIX

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Start the server from the UNIX command line