
  • Default field configuration is readable and writable with unlimited length.
  • Default field configuration for a Single_Value_List or a Multi_Value_List must be explicitly specified.
  • Read-only fields must be explicitly specified.
  • You must specify the type and read/write explicitly only for a Single_Value_List/Multi_Value_List.
  • If a field is not configured, the field is read/write with unlimited length.
  • A list or multi-list field may contain item elements. For each item specify the value and display text in the form <itg:item value="$value">$display text</itg:item>.
  • If the field in WSDL is an Array, it must be mapped to Multi_Value_List.
  • If the QC field is User_List, you can only specify String or Single_Value_List for the corresponding SM field.
  • If the field is read-only you must set the attribute readonly as true.
  • If the field attribute required is mandatory, the field is mandatory for creation of a new entity.
  • If the field has a length limitation (attribute length), values from other endpoints could be truncated to match this limitation.