Develop > Tailoring > Form creation > Format Control > Array maintenance > Create the Format Control record for sorting simple arrays

Create the Format Control record for sorting simple arrays

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To create the Format Control record for sorting simple arrays, you will call the sort.array application from the Subroutines process of Format Control as follows:

  1. Click Tailoring > Format Control
  2. Type demo.sort in the Name field.
  3. Click New.
  4. Click Subroutines in the More Actions menu or click the Subroutines button.
  5. Click Show Expanded Form in the More Actions menu.
  6. Use the following values to complete the Subroutines process:

    Application Name Add Update Before Error Message
    sort.array true true true Could not sort the array.

    Names Definition Values
    file When calling sort.array from Format Control, always pass $file to this parameter. $file
    name The name of the input field (array) in $file you wish to sort. number
    boolean1 The parameter that controls the sort order. A value of true sorts in ascending order. If you pass false, the sort order is descending. The default is true. val (“false”, 4) *

    For a detailed discussion of the val function, refer to System Language Help.

  7. Click OK to save your record.

Related concepts

Sorting simple arrays

Related tasks

Sort simple arrays
Create the form for sorting simple arrays
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