How to Add Custom queries to Integration Population Jobs

In order for the integration to send your custom Service Manager web service object and fields to your UCMDB system, you must add your custom queries to the population job between your Service Manager data store and your UCMDB data store. The following steps illustrate how to add the custom rdbmsData query described in previous sections.

To add custom queries to population job definitions:

  1. Log in to UCMDB as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Data Flow Management > Integration Studio.
  3. Double-click the name of your Service Manager integration point. For example, SM Integration.
  4. Click the Population tab.
  5. Select a population job. For example, SM Configuration Item Population job.
  6. Click the Edit Integration Job button .
  7. Click the Add button .

    The query names configured in the smPopConfFile.xml file are listed.

  8. Click Root > rdbmsData.
  9. Click OK to add a custom query.
  10. Click OK to close the Update Job Definition window.