Develop > Tailoring > Display functions > Menus > Adding and changing the image icon for menu and toolbar items > Add or change the image icon for menu and tool bar items

Add or change the image icon for options menu and toolbar items

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You can edit or replace the out-of-box icon for existing menu items and add icons for the new menu and toolbar items that you create. The More Actions menu and toolbar icons are 16x16 .gif files. You can use any graphics design tool to edit out-of-box icons or create new icons of the correct size. These images are found in many forms.

To add or change the image icon for the options menu and toolbar items:

Important: If you change an image, Service Manager will replace the original image with the new image on all forms. If you do not want to change the image on all forms, you must change the Default Label in the Display Application Option Definition for the form you want to change, and create a new image.

  1. Open the Display Application Option Definition for the More Actions menu or toolbar item.
  2. Add the item, if necessary.
  3. Make a note of text in the Default Label. Using Database Manager, open a form that the option is displayed on.
  4. Open the Administrator view and go to the Detail Data tab for a single record form or the List Data tab for a record list. The list of icons in the toolbar and options menu is at the bottom of the form. The img="<bmpname>" tag gives you the name of the image.
  5. Make a note of the icon image name.
  6. Using your standard operating system search functionality, search your Service Manager directory for a .gif file with that name. If the item with that name exists in the Service Manager images directory, the form will display it.
    • <installation location>\plugins\\webtier\images
    • <installation location>\plugins\\src\resources\icons
    • <installation location>\plugins\\src\resources\icons
    • <installation location>\plugins\\src\resources\icons
  7. Create a new image if none exists, or replace this existing image with the one you prefer to use.

Related concepts

Menu record
Example: Adding a URL link to a menu
Adding and changing the image icon for menu and toolbar items

Related tasks

Access menu records
Create a displayoption record

Related references

Common option icon names