Develop > Processes and Best Practices Guide > Knowledge Management Details > Knowledge Management Form - Contribute Knowledge

Knowledge Management Form - Contribute Knowledge

The following figure shows the Service Manager KM Contribute Knowledge form for the Problem/Solution document type. The form is used to contribute knowledge (a new KM Document request). As with any new KM document, you must complete the required fields before you can save the record. See the following table for a list and description of the fields on this form.

The Contribute Knowledge form is illustrated in the following screenshot:

The following table describes the Contribute Knowledge form for the Problem/Solution document type.

Contribute Knowledge form field descriptions




The title of the document. The title should accurately describe the content of the document.


A summary of the document.

Expiration date

The date that the KM document will automatically expire.

Document ID

Service Manager creates the ID of the document automatically.

Document type

There are five Document Types: Error Message/Cause; External; Question/Answer; Problem/Solution; and Reference.


The KM document’s current state in the KM workflow.


The language used by the search engine when searching and indexing. The default locale is English.