Delete a search field

Note When your customization is complete, you must log in to Service Request Catalog again for the changes to take effect.

To complete any of the Service Manager tailoring tasks, start with these basic steps:

  1. Start a Service Manager client session. Make sure the Service Manager client connects to a Service Manager 9.50 server. The client can be an earlier version, but the server must be a 9.50 server.
  2. Expand the left Navigation pane.
  3. Click Tailoring > SRC Tailoring > Advanced Search. Service Manager displays an SRC Configuration wizard. The first page of the wizard lists existing configurations.

To delete a search field, continue with these steps:

  1. From the Service Request Catalog advanced search configuration Wizard home page, select the company for which you want to modify the advanced search configurations.

    • To enable multi-company mode for advanced search, you have to enable the multi-company mode and start the system schedule list builder. The multi-company list is displayed on the advanced search company after you log in to the Service Manager client again.
    • If a Service Request Catalog login user (operator) has no company value to set with, the configurations of advance search do not take effect.
  2. Click an existing search field.
  3. Click Remove a Selected Field.