Administer > Application Setup > Views and favorites administration > Add a view for a new table

Add a view for a new table

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

When you want to expand the list of views in a queue, you can use the New View wizard. However, if the table does not yet exist, you need to first configure the table as an object record. You can then add the view to the table.

Note These procedures use the kmdocument table as an example for configuring and adding a Knowledge Documents view to a table.

To configure an object record for a new table, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Document Engine > Objects.
  2. Type the file name (table name) in the File name field. For this example, type kmdocument.
  3. In the Manage Queues tab, type an expression in the Manage condition field that evaluates to true. For example, type lioption("Knowledge  Management").
  4. Create a form to be used to display the view. Type your entry in the Manage default view field. For example, type Knowledge Documents.
  5. Click Fill in the Manage display format field and choose inbox.view.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Log out of HPE Service Manager, and then log back in. This enables the new object kmdocument table that you configured to be added to the view list. You can now add the new view to the table.

To add a view to a table, follow these steps:

  1. Click System Administration > Base System Configuration > Miscellaneous > Views/Favorites.
  2. Click New. The New View wizard opens.
  3. Select an entry for Area (Knowledge Documents) and then click Next.
  4. Type the name of the view in the Name field and then click Next.
  5. Click Fields.
  6. Select Title in the Knowledge Documents list entries and then click Add to List. The Title entry appears in the Destination Fields box.
  7. Click Finish. You receive a message that states the view record was added. You also see the View Definition form to add additional properties to the view you created.

    The view appears under Favorites and Dashboards in the navigation pane.