Administer > Application Setup > Process Designer > Adding a rule > Group rules

Group rules

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator


You can group multiple rules into a rule group with an overall condition. The system runs all the rules in the rule group if the condition matches.

To group rules, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Process Designer.
  2. Click Rule Sets > Search to open the Rule Set form.
  3. Select the rule set to which you want to add a group, and then click Add Group.
  4. Type a rule group name. For example, kmrules.
  5. Click Edit to add a condition.

    Note If you do not enter a condition, it will default to Always

  6. Click OK to add the group name.
  7. Highlight the group by selecting it.
  8. Click Add Rule.
  9. Select a rule.
  10. Type the attributes in the Rule form.
  11. Repeat steps 8 to 11 if you want to add more rules.
  12. Click OKto create the rule group.

Note You can add one or more rule groups within another rule group.